Naomi Brockwell

Joined May 06, 2018

Film/TV producer, Host of #blockchain / #tech / #bitcoin YouTube show; Dance like nobody's watching, Encrypt like everyone is. @naomibrockwell

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sent · 555 sats 1720d
I owe you an apology, I got very upset once with ur blockstream videos, I happened to be going through alot atm & reacted way out of order. Iamsorry about that.and embarrassed & rightfully so.
replied 1739d
Naomi are you publishing on any censorship resistant platform like yet? YouTube will only let you have fun on their platform as long as you feed their purpose...
replied 1743d
Naomi is getting relevant, atleast for the others! She is building a bridge to all the 95% who still believe that #bitcoin is a hoax... Now let us pray she is incorruptible... Amen! :D
replied 1744d
I especially appreciate that nobody was insulting him like I was expecting. Very nice !
replied 1744d
I am a big fan of Trump, bt I obviously disagree with him on this. BTW, love the video in every way very well done and pleasant.
replied 1751d
There is now :)