-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist:
再次更新我的列表,有的删除也有新加。新列表放在最后.谢谢! 很多公司很多人明明做了亏心事,坏事,还如此嚣张,如此跋扈,他们是有钱又有势,但就该如此理直气壮?就该如此高人一等?那世界的公平公正在哪里? Update my list again, some delete and some add. New list at the end. Thank you! In many companies, many people are so arrogant and domineering even though they have done bad things. They are rich and powerful, but should they be so upright? Should we be so superior? Where is the fairness of the world?
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist:
您好!我已经更新了我的列表,原列表不变,新增的21条列表是我花了很长时间编辑的,我希望他们都能得到惩罚,更希望能得到改善,谢谢支持! Hello! I have updated my list. The original list remains unchanged. I spent a long time editing the new 21 lists. I hope they can be punished and improved. Thank you for your support!
很多人为了自身的利益去做了很多伤天害理的事情, 我希望他们得到惩罚。 Many people have done a lot of detrimental things for their own benefit, and I hope they will be punished.
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 很多人为了自身的利益去做了很多伤天害理的事情, 我希望他们得到惩罚。 Many people have done a lot of detrimental things for their own benefit, and I hope they will be punished.
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: 很多人为了自身的利益去做了很多伤天害理的事情, 我希望他们得到惩罚。 Many people have done a lot of detrimental things for their own benefit, and I hope they will be punished.