Krazy King

Joined Aug 03, 2018

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2159d · Bitcoin Cash
I wonder if Starbucks is aware of the fact that there was quite literally a civil war over whether coffee should be on the blockchain, and that they're on the chain that doesn't want coffee.
replied 2159d
Zoinks! You've taken a wrong turn.
2159d · US Politics/Trump
replied 2159d
Krazy King
There has been a huge shift in acceptance of mixed race in the US in particular, but there is little change in actual interracial marriages,
replied 2159d
Little change? If it goes from 1% to 2%, that's a 100% increase.
2159d · Capitalism
The more closely black and white live together physically, the more they tend to self segregate and the more negative they view the other group.
replied 2160d
Krazy King
Depends on the generosity of the people on the site:)
2160d · Beautiful breast
replied 2160d
Krazy King
The smallest you can give is about 546 (?) I think around there, that is the current dust limit on Bitcoin Cash, that would be a bit like paying a minimum wage in tip;P
2160d · Beautiful breast
Photos of sexy cleavage, beautiful boobs, hard nipples, and wet t-shirts all accepted here. Thanks in advance.
voted in poll 2160d

Which political party do you support most?


Independence day every day.
replied 2160d
with the 2x scaling magically being "cancelled" after they got SegShit locked in. BCH is quite literally Bitcoin of 2009-2014, not Blockstream's poorly scaled experimental shitcoin.