Now that i come to think of it, a Dyson sphere would probably be the best dead giveaway we could ever make. Effectively turning our sun into an oversized blinker.
Think of it this way. If an alien civ is looking for Earth right now, the best lead they have is some almost non-existant radio signals that only exist within a range of 150 ly tops.
I don't believe however there are any alien races that posess interstellar capability beyond the speed of light. Which means that this type of life must survive thousands of years.
@kokansei yes, it's generally based on the assumption that the time it took intelligent life to develop on Earth is the same for intelligent life to develop elsewhere.
Point being, the choice for humanity to confine themselves to one planet will be the worst decision we've ever made. And in time, it will be a lethal one.
Well, trying to find Earth like worlds right now is like trying to count the raindrops with a specific composition in a storm 20 miles away using nothing more than an old pair of binoculars.
Our spacecraft used to be a sign of the times, the beginning of a new future for humanity. Today, they are a museum piece to a future that never came. Crushed by economic reality, bureaucracy and false intentions.