
Joined Apr 23, 2018


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2416d · Capitalism
Mine was just erroring out for 1 block too. I think it has something to do with the amount of unconfirmed transactions in each block.
When my Memo won't broadcast because too many unconfirmed tx's and i have to wait for the next block to continue my conversation
2416d · Capitalism
Earlier: My Memo's aren't broadcasting again. arghhh!!!
2416d · Capitalism
Freedom of speech may be dangerous. But a government controlling what you see? I believe that's even more dangerous
2416d · Capitalism
Maybe this is where our countries differ. We don't block opposing views to shield people from negativity. We challenge it head on and make an argument for our position
2416d · memo
Uh @Memo we need to talk. My transactions weren't going through until just now. I had 29 unconfirmed Memos. First confirmation, boom can Memo again. This needs to be fixed ASAP.
2416d · Capitalism
Standard of living and cost of living are much lower in China too.
2416d · Capitalism
I think it's important to remind you, if/when China decides they don't like free speech on blockchain, they will attack Memo and similar platforms. This impacts you talking here right now.
2416d · Capitalism
@min i don't find that any better. That just means the Chinese can take advantage of their citizens and pump them full of their own BS propaganda.
2416d · Capitalism
I won't say China doesn't have good ideas. Just that censorship and the firewall and their ferocity in maintaining it are bad ideas.
2416d · Capitalism
I was more refering to the society Elon would advocate for. Not some King Elon esque ordeal.
2416d · Capitalism
Hopefully, if Elon is smart, Mars won't have a central leader.
2416d · Capitalism
The Great Firewall shouldn't exist. And it's the Chinese gov and it's values that believe that it should exist. That's not okay with me.
2416d · Capitalism
Just to piss the Chinese gov. off: Tiananmen Square!!! Can't take it down lol.
2416d · Capitalism
@minkaminka China isn't without it's flaws. The Great Firewall being one of them. I can certainly tell you they won't approve of Memo's censorship bypassing power.
2416d · Capitalism
Society only remains stable when a government is present. The Flying Dutchman must always have a captain.
2416d · Capitalism
2416d · Capitalism
AKA it can't grow itself beyond it's set limtis.
2416d · Capitalism
A central government is fine, if it's small enough and is self-contained and enforced by society.
2416d · Capitalism
Of course, but like the solutions we made with mob rule in presidental elections, general vote V. electoral college. Solutions and amendments can be made.
2416d · Capitalism
@Alec, I'm all wibbly wobbly timey whimey. Generally i have a set of values, but i change my mind and form new perspectives too often to be given a label.
2416d · Capitalism
Blockchain, could in theory be used to secure and provide the proof of work needed to provide a cryptographically secure direct democracy of sorts.
2416d · Capitalism
The representative republic model is insecure, slow and corruptable. Blockchain may have an opportunity to fix this.
2416d · Capitalism
Personally, i believe that the US political system is too broken to be salvaged with existing law-making proceedures and candidates running for office.
2416d · Capitalism
People might sink. The least we can do is make sure it's they only have themselves to blame. Which is what we are failing to do in the US.