
Joined Apr 23, 2018


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2397d · Capitalism
Humans divide themselves into groups. Form seperate identities. Attack others with other identities.
2397d · Capitalism
People have always tried to break up racism by reminding us that we are all the same, that we are all human. Yet, that is the very problem.
2397d · Capitalism
Ironically, a tale as old as time. The oppressed become the oppressors.
2397d · Capitalism
For slavery and racism majority past and minority present.
2397d · Capitalism
I'm not sure I'd want to live in Africa. What I'm seeing and hearing in the United States and the news reports from South Africa seem to indicate a collective ethnic effort to seek retribution.
2397d · Capitalism
I'm not entirely informed about the situation in Africa, but i can't imagine why the society as presented to us as 3rd world riddled with war and famine is in a population boom.
2397d · Capitalism
Our population is already too high. I don't care if it's Africa, Europe or the Americas that has to slow down. Our growth, from this point forward NEEDS to be off-world.
When you are infinitely determined to accomplish something, and someone else is equally determined to stop you with no common ground between you, what else is left but violence @TheOneLawSanctuary?
Memo app test.
2398d · Flat Earth
It happens.
2398d · Flat Earth
Look how burnt the capsules are. Material fell off.
2398d · Flat Earth
And before you ask, a debris trail during re-entry doesn't mean everyone died and it's some sort of cover up.
2398d · Flat Earth
2398d · Flat Earth
Rocket launches are routine enough now that every re-entry is nothing special except for the people actually managing the mission.
2398d · Flat Earth
Do they have video of the re-entry? Probably. But they likely thought it no more important to release than i would what i ate for breakfeast approx. 4.5 months ago
2398d · Flat Earth
Do they really need to film every single damn re-entry from multiple sources outside of NASA to quell your suspicions?
2398d · Flat Earth
2398d · Flat Earth
Whats the conspiracy here?
2398d · Flat Earth
She hasn't been in space since 2012. She returned to Earth at Kazakstan in November of 2012. She was just recently selected for the commercial crew program.
2398d · Flat Earth
It's like thinking planes are a hoax because there is no way air could hold that much weight...
2398d · Flat Earth
And because your mind can't grasp anything beyond your own tiny human perspective, so anyone who suggests otherwise is wrong?
2398d · Flat Earth
You don't understand the basic concepts of physics such as inertia?
2398d · Capitalism
How woke you must be. Like your the first guy that's ever been upset doing a day of work in his life.