
Joined Apr 23, 2018


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That's one of the many problems with LightRider and his ramblings. Everything is "socialism could work", "socialism should work". I can even hear him now: "Capitalism doesn't work, it's shown that!"
That's honestly got to be one of the best pieces of advice i can offer. Show first, tell later. Given the choice to show or tell, always show.
replied 2389d
When he can just go out there and do it. Make the cars, build the rockets sustain the companies and watch the shorters lose $1 billion? Maybe they'll learn, maybe they won't.
replied 2389d
Why should people like Elon Musk waste his time and money convincing investors, or random people online that he's going to succeed?
replied 2389d
He cannot influence change if he is doing nothing. It's okay to talk and spread the word about something your passionate about. But only if it's backed by real world action.
People like LightRider don't deserve to be spoken to, or paid any attention. When you drop out of college three times, have no job and contribute nothing to no one capitalist or otherwise, you have no influence.
2389d · Capitalism
That's the problem with the new progressive movement. They want to add more segregated clusters of people, without erasing the lines of identity.
2389d · Capitalism
Identity, racial, political, gender, etc. is more dangerous than the differences they represent ever could be.
2389d · Capitalism
Like matter, matching identies cluster together and become larger and larger growing stronger and stronger.
2389d · Capitalism
Just the name "hillbilly/redneck" already tells you how they think, what they want, what god they worship, who they hate etc.
2389d · Capitalism
The only time this isn't possible is when these identities aren't adopted.
2389d · Capitalism
Without the presence of symbol or color, a black man and a white man can identify and hate one another. That is the power we are seeing displayed online every day.
2389d · Capitalism
Today, the answer is becoming more and more yes. Because on top of these symbols and colors, we build identities on top of them. Identies that allow violent groups to recognize each other.
2389d · Capitalism
Ask yourself, would a republican hate a democrat if they never spoke of politics? A white man hate a black if neither saw each other physically? etc.
2389d · Capitalism
The more differences we can create, the more chaos ensues and the deeper a grasp entropy has on civilization until it all comes crashing down to it's natural state of disorder.
2389d · Capitalism
When our bodies aren't enough to divide us, we make signs, symbols, colors, ideologies.
2389d · Capitalism
It was never about the color of the skin. It was about power. Our bodies simply marked the teams we were playing on.
2389d · Capitalism
Humans divide themselves into groups. Form seperate identities. Attack others with other identities.
2389d · Capitalism
People have always tried to break up racism by reminding us that we are all the same, that we are all human. Yet, that is the very problem.
2389d · Capitalism
Ironically, a tale as old as time. The oppressed become the oppressors.
2389d · Capitalism
For slavery and racism majority past and minority present.
2389d · Capitalism
I'm not sure I'd want to live in Africa. What I'm seeing and hearing in the United States and the news reports from South Africa seem to indicate a collective ethnic effort to seek retribution.
replied 2389d
I only really care about BFR development and Mars efforts.
replied 2389d
You can if you want. I don't really care to be honest. I trust their launch record and affiliations enough to believe they are telling the truth.
2389d · Capitalism
I'm not entirely informed about the situation in Africa, but i can't imagine why the society as presented to us as 3rd world riddled with war and famine is in a population boom.