
Joined Jun 08, 2018

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replied 2462d
Yoonski but your nice reply is a yes. You are just saying that it is not describable with our language. This is a shared idea in many religions, they say God for a practical reason.
2462d · Guess the movie
2466d · Photography
replied 2462d
I have no vote. This is not a yes or no question.
2462d · Photography
Buddha park, Laos:
replied 2462d
replied 2462d
>"Owning something isn't work" >value of crypto increases. worth more than before. >but it "owning is not work" >so, profits are unearned and given away? or ownership is work?
Tomorrow im not doing any "jobs", I'm having the day off and going to either walk on the beach or on top of the cliffs ( depends on tide) live by the coast but don't make the most of it. Tomorrow I'm going to enjoy it
replied 2463d
I live in the irrigated nut parts, lots of nutty tweakers
2462d · Earn tips
hello ,everyone, Im newbee
2462d · Memo Flea Market
Tip me 0.035 then send me your address to [email protected] and I'll ship free of charge this delicious gourmet coffee to you. I will add here a photo of postal tracking code for you
2462d · Memo Flea Market
Tip me 0.035 then send me your address to [email protected] and I'll ship free of charge this delicious gourmet coffee to you. I will add here a photo of postal tracking code for you
Spendl A Bit
replied 2462d
replied 2462d
But the other one, who retained the ticker BTC introduced many more changes, like segwit and lightening, and therefore cannot be considered to be a P2P Cash system anymore. BCH can.
replied 2462d
I agree That's why I like BCH more than BTC
replied 2462d
Bitcoin is P2P currency. BCH does what BTC should do. Decentralized, easy fast and cheap transactions worldwide.
replied 2462d
BCH is a continuation of the original vision for bitcoin (fast, cheap and reliable on-chain payments). BTC is focusing on off-chain development.
Could you blame C.O.D call of duty for a majority of these shootings in young teens? Starting to play at to young of a age
replied 2463d
The Fifth Element
2463d · memo
Memo now supports profile pics!
replied 2463d
my son is 5 so he just learnt bike, we do skate together just sit on the board :) regard age and parenting, thanks to my son I started learning more, I quit alcohol, and I study a lot
2463d · memo
Memo now supports profile pics!
2463d · 1 whole BCH opportunity
If you can't trust someone who already distributed 1 whole bch in the memo BCH community. Who van you trust?
replied 2464d
Yea, im following everyone who is doing the bch give away
2463d · memo
Memo transactions at 99,416! We're about to roll over into 6 digits!!