The protests in Hong Kong have been interesting to watch. Will China order another massacre like Tiananmen Square? If they do though they wont be able to hide it.
Actually even when it is powered by coal it ends up being cleaner than gas. This is because only about 20% of the gas energy goes to move you, compared to 90% of energy in an EV.
"The problem with every democracy is lack of participation."
I disagree. The biggest flaw is that majority has to be intelligent to maintain a democracy.
No matter what, on every distribution curve half the people are dumber, and half are smarter. Since it's easier to target the lower half during a campaign that is who is targeted.
I don't see what makes it immoral. I don't think you need to go quietly. Democracy may not be perfect, but it is the best system we have thought up so far.
No if you listen to when Bart asks Buzz about the footage, Barts footage was genuine, it revealed how Nasa faked the Earth shot.
That is just one of many many reasons.
One of many inadequate reasons. They didn't fake the Earth shot if you listen.
He has talked to a lot of intelligent people thanks to his podcast. He has learned a lot. After looking into a conspiracy theory critically you can see it unravel.
But I guess it's true, it's not a challange when the only material needed to go on the moon in the 60' is pretty much a big bean can, aluminum foil and duct tape 😂
Yes, a metal can can easily pass through the Vann Allen belt. The charged particles are not xrays passing through materials.
So it's not a challenge to overcome? So you admit NASA is lying? Well it was about time!
Nothig I said goes against what NASA says on the issue. It's simple enough to go through quickly. You would not want to establish an orbit inside of it though.
Nobody said they don't exist. Are you drunk or something?
Well you kind of did. Maybe you were just using the wrong terms. You can't debunk something exists cand call it fake and then admit it exists. Then again you are a flat earther, so...