Joined Jul 15, 2018

Separation of currency and state.

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2005d · Hong Kong
The protests in Hong Kong have been interesting to watch. Will China order another massacre like Tiananmen Square? If they do though they wont be able to hide it.
2081d · Tesla
It's not just the mining, but the use of what is mined.
2087d · Bitcoin SV
Craig has yet to provide any evidence to back his claim that is not itself an obvious fraud.
2100d · Bitcoin Cash
Has anyone thought of the future development of quantum cryptography for BCH?
2102d · Tesla
Ghat was a pretty good lecture. It's pretty obvious that Tesla is far ahead of the competition.
2103d · Flat Earth
Funny how the predictions in this topic keep failing, and yet they still pretend that their predictions were good
2107d · Bitcoin Cash is a great place to learn about development plans. They have a development section that shows what is bring discussed, worked on, or finished.
2107d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Britian has always had high immigration. Mostly because
people have an easy time moving between Commonwealth nations. Not because of the EU.
2123d · #911Truth
I already did provide video evidence. Its further up. Thoroughly debunked the truthers claims on all three towers, the Pentagon, and flight 97. Truthers like to hide the evidence.
2124d · Bitcoin SV
2130d · Educational
Why does the image of a black hole always appear the way it does?
2130d · global warming
Wow, that Oorta is retarded. Thanks for posting the tweets to dumbasses so we can go back and respond to their bad ideas.
2131d · Educational
Social media manipulation is an interesting topic. Very relevant to memo.
2132d · Donald Trump Rapes and Murders Children
I would rather see the immigrants shoot and kill border enforcement.
2132d · Donald Trump Rapes and Murders Children
Great examples of how nations should have no control over who comes and goes.
2134d · Tesla
How does the competitors of Tesla stand up when compared?
2138d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Wow, you must be a bitch boy if you think Muslim men are alpha. A lot of them live where I do, and that couldn't be further from the truth.
2139d · Educational
This is rather important for people to understand.
2143d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Also it seems you never had a problem with globalism so much as you had a problem with immigration. It seems you confused globalism with immigration.
2143d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
I know a girl who moved here, and then was able to divorce her husband and leave Islam
2143d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
sent · 10,000 sats 2146d
Come back to us!
2146d · Bitcoin SV
Actually CSW disnt understand how to have a hashwar, and that is why he accdiently forked right away. CSW lacks a fundamental understanding of Bitcoin.
2147d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Alpha men are not bitching because they are doing fine, as always. Some whinny bitches cry about the situation.
2148d · Educational
If a shark is a fish, then so are humans...