Nipples McAreole

Joined Jul 22, 2018

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Heres to another 365 days of BCH Adoption. love you all.
Someone in the future is going to look back at this post. Hello from the past, future dude! Be excellent to each other! PS Hey Missy! ( I mean mom)
replied 2421d
So cool eh, its going to take a while before everyone catches on to its awesomeness.
2421d · Guess the Number I am thinking of
Hey Adam Back, remember how you sell BTC through brand confusion and misleading practices? Pepperidge motherfuckin farm remembers.
En Fri Mand
replied 2422d
Oh no I didn't call it Bcash. Now I get no salary 😭😭😭😭 I will need to sacrifice a goat to make it all good again 😥 HAIL SATAN!!!
replied 2424d
they can change hand without changing addresses, but in any numbers that make a huge dent in supply, the receiving party would want the certainty of their own fresh private key.
replied 2424d
only a long passage of time or a continual increase in price can give you hints. 100 years plus from now there should be a pretty good idea how many are actually out of service forgood
replied 2425d
I do, but I am also a nipple, so I kind like milking the situation
replied 2425d
replied 2425d
Hey, roadmaps are good! The free market at work. I'd imagine fairer sites would naturally attract more people and thus generate more revenue. Everybody wins
2425d · Security
If you take your crypto to the grave, Technically the value will be shared amongst everyone equally, as the value will be locked into the system and make everyone else incrementally richer.
Sk8eM dUb
Still the only BTC chart that matters:
Can't wait to pop dat shamp again.
replied 2425d
Sk8eM dUb
Around the 400k transaction is where i bailed. It would be interesting to see the amount of bitcoin days destroyed by this schemozzle
Nothing new, except i wanted to piss luke jr off by spamming the new and improved blockchain for glorious benefit of Bchakstan
replied 2426d
Looking good, thank you!
replied 2426d
replied 2426d
Even if the probability is high, waiting a few minutes isnt a big deal. a non event even
replied 2426d
replied 2426d
that was fun. now i know how billionaires feel when they tip 5 bucks to bell-hops
replied 2426d
replied 2426d
First reply to this gets 20,000sats! (assuming i don't fk it up :)
replied 2426d
Ok, srry if I insulted you. If i did, you are taking it well.
replied 2426d
I would imagine it would have a system whereby you could calculate that it's fair. thats what most blockchain/crypto gambling sites have