Nipples McAreole

Joined Jul 22, 2018

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Heres to another 365 days of BCH Adoption. love you all.
Someone in the future is going to look back at this post. Hello from the past, future dude! Be excellent to each other! PS Hey Missy! ( I mean mom)
2163d · Guess the Number I am thinking of
Hey Adam Back, remember how you sell BTC through brand confusion and misleading practices? Pepperidge motherfuckin farm remembers.
2167d · Security
If you take your crypto to the grave, Technically the value will be shared amongst everyone equally, as the value will be locked into the system and make everyone else incrementally richer.
Nothing new, except i wanted to piss luke jr off by spamming the new and improved blockchain for glorious benefit of Bchakstan
First reply to this gets 20,000sats! (assuming i don't fk it up :)
This MEMO is proudly brought to you by the BCH team, and the continuation of Satoshi's vision. You cannot kill an idea, who's time has come. Welcome to the beginnings of the age of digital enlightenment!
I'd love to be able to take a peek into the future to see which crypto made it to the mainstream first. (secretly fingers x'd for BCH)
I was led to believe there would be bobs and vegene on this service?
Another useful idiot.... Sure, it's the "clients" causing the 1mb limit on tx's -
2168d ·
Shitposting is the new beanie babies
2168d · Blockstream Memes and Dumb Quotes
Why is it that great projects like bitcoin attract such imbeciles...
I haven't felt this much excitement since i got jacked off by a midget near the set of lord of the rings