random liker

Joined Apr 30, 2018

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random liker
2185d · Airdrop to Venezuela in replace of bolivar
Why not have a new crypto that you could use for barter - it would be more tolerated? Asking for BCH is just getting value from abroad that people use to flee
random liker
2186d · Bitcoin Cash is NOT Bitcoin
If BTC and BCH were the same price, which would be supported on merit? Incumbency is the only thing BTC has going for it. Get flippening now while BTC is still worth something
random liker
2186d · memo
Yeah I mentioned the replies thing days ago. But I guess it would just be more off-blockchain metadata though?
random liker
2187d · BCH on sale
Twice as much bang for your buck, all the same great utility!

if you liked it at $1700, you'll love it at $1100.
random liker
2187d · Objectivism
I don't think the message is the problem. It's fundamentally flawed. Stalin also accomplished all of those things for himself.
random liker
2188d · Objectivism
I think she serves a good ironic example of where selfish ignorance gets you - sickened by your vices, abandoned by your friends, penniless and on welfare at the end of. Karma is a bitch
random liker
2188d · The-One-Law
Do horses like being ridden? Are they being harmed? It's difficult to say
random liker
2188d · memo
all of this meta content like smileys and notifications etc surely cannot be stored on the blockchain. So even if memo released an open source client, memo could not be recreated if it was taken down
random liker
replied 2189d
or you pay satoshis for posting and give away your privacy for free?
random liker
2189d · memo
cool guys, notifications! great to see feedback being implemented so quickly
random liker
2189d · memo
might be time to seperate topics by language
random liker
2190d · memo
Ok was wrong about that. Still, if replying to a reply it is a child of the post you are replying to, not part of the thread. Also can we get some short way of referencing posts? The URLs are too long
random liker
2190d · memo
It takes you out of the thread. There is no indication that a post has replies within the topic, and no way of expanding the conversation thread. So replies to posts in a topic are not seen by others
random liker
2190d · memo
Interestingly, when you reply to a post - it doesn't also insert it into the topic. That isn't expected behaviour for me. You should be able to view post replies within the topic (maybe nesting?)
random liker
replied 2190d
There is tippr and chaintip. Manipulation / censorship probably coming to memo also (once popular, karma must be used). Reddit knowing you vs the whole world knowing - which is better?
random liker
2190d · memo
where do you draw the line. e.g. you could get larger messages if you used compression.. there is no reason for whitespace to take a char. This would limit readability - but could have a reader app
random liker
2190d · memo
As time goes on, much functionality of memo will be off-chain, with just the raw content of the messages embedded in the blockchain. At that point, wouldn't it just be reddit without privacy?
random liker
2190d · memo
BTW: thanks for the satoshis guys - back to my initial deposit now
random liker
2190d · memo
Wonder if when you mention someone by username with an @ symbol, there could be a notification? It's pretty hard to keep track now, and it would generate a lot more traffic.
random liker
2190d · #ReconnectJulian
It's pretty simple. Don't poop where you live if you are claiming asylum.
random liker
2190d · Bitcoin Cash
If memo got a capital injection, it might spur massive development. There might be taxation benefits of a charitable donation, but still realise benefits to the donor in terms of BCH growth
random liker
2190d · Bitcoin Cash
Telesfor. That's the conversation they need to be having. If BCH wins, the miners win, we win, everybody wins. So much winning.
random liker
2190d · memo
I like using memo, but if the amount doesn't get replenished somehow I'll just go back to reddit. The current tipping structure just rewards yes men also - some rewards should be automated.
random liker
2190d · memo
@SR thinking some equivalent to reddit link karma - different from likes. They've gone out on a limb and spent their money to start a conversation and I'm only talking a really small proportion.
random liker
2191d · Your Mom
loves you very much and wants you to give her a call