På ett nyligen besök i vackra Göteborg, tyckte jag om att spendera BCH på flera kaféer. Jag tillämpade några "Bitcoin Cash Accepted Here" -klistermärken. Jag använde "Marco Coino" app.
Faucets are hard because it's easy for someone to write a script that registers lots of accounts and drains the faucet. Hopefully we can figure out a way to prevent that though.
Maybe use CoinText.io registering for users wanting some free satoshis by requesting the phone number (off-chain). I know it's not ready worldwide, but it could be a possibility soon.
Memo decentralized games: challenge another player to Connect Four or Chess. Each move is recorded on chain and verifiable. Both players can wager any amount and the winner takes all.
memo is getting better. By the way, when memo support the vote or survey with tips?
Got a few other things we're working on first, but it's planned. Thanks for letting us know your interest, we'll see if we can this bumped in priority.
interesting did not know.. ah well not that it makes a difference anyways
Data was given to us in the raw format it was when dumped in 2017. The account is also from 2007, and theymos had no reason to believe it would be breached 10 years later.