
Joined Aug 27, 2018

Thoughts on Life with a good cup of dark coffee

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replied 2218d
White men are people too
Currently Memo messages use a single transaction which has a limit. Eventually we plan to support multiple transactions for longer messages.
replied 2218d
Simon Van Gelder
Nothing planned for Memo requires any changes to BCH, other than increasing the block size :)
replied 2271d
There have been a few different denominations requested. I'm not sure which BCH will settle on. Thanks for your suggestion.
replied 2285d
Yes, even though you control your data and can be anonymous, being on-chain is about as public as you can get. We have some privacy features planned.
Business owners and employees are often stuck in an endless loop of 2 week pay cycles. Why not pay/ get paid at the end of every day/ hour? Seems like a lot of opportunity with crypto in the payroll solution space.
replied 2282d
Yes 4th in market cap and has only been out a year. You can tell by the meetups growth and the additions to Marco coino that BCH is growing substantially. Give BCH 3 years like Dash.
replied 2282d
Yes I agree, I have investigated a lot, I think people are easier to be informed by videos than articles. Even property rights are a hoax people don't understand. They never read law.
Interview with Dr Craig Wright - August 2018