
Joined Aug 19, 2018

English Teacher and Tutor, copywriter, crypto-enthusiast, crypto networker, author of books and special courses.
You are welcome to join my project and Open University of Crypto Networks.

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TO: qr2tgmp8kygr5sskfx6rcz23pxex499q4yjxjt4rt2
AMOUNT: 10000
replied 2304d
So if your daughter told you she was sexually assaulted and the guy had an impeccable record, you would call her a liar? You wouldn't want an investigation?
replied 2304d
No you don't get it. I don't choose evil at all. Republcans could have voted for John Kasich. But no, they pick the racist, biggot, liar, moron, con man, corruption instead.
2336d · Memes
2336d · playBCH
Received bet of 100000 sats | TXID: 3ae43c9fc2c1f8c5f9d646f12ce47937dbe95b1420501fd5d7c6aa10dedb15b9 | Round #30296 | Your Lucky Number is 3738.899897 | Good Luck! (
Another easy implementation for mass BCH adoption: PARKING METERS. Each parking meter has a QR sign with a unique address on it. Replace those costly credit card meters with BCH ones.
"Let’s eliminate the limit. Nothing bad will happen if we do. And if I’m wrong, the bad things would be mild annoyances, not existential risks." -- Gavin Andresen
Guys thank you for tipping BCH-price-BOT :) Someday in future people will be amused about your 6000 satoshis tips which will be average monthly salary. We making history here.
Bitcoin Cash: Civil War - Explained
2339d · RoyalTiffany
Wish you all a great weekend!!
Hello, Fuck censorship. #BitcoinNotBombs
replied 2341d
Memo will likely be adding IPFS support. Not sure when though.
replied 2340d
After Nov 15th it will still be BCH the coin with the cheapest, fastest payments. that's all that matters.
2340d · Capitalism
@Lightrider you can come to Venezuela an see what socialism has done in here... statism is the worst gorvernment, you probably live in the first world and you've never felt hunger in your life.
replied 2340d
You see? from first world. What if I move to Texas and you move to Venezuela? you'll enjoy the socialist dream, promise xD.
2340d · Communism
When I was a teenager, I used to have leftist thought, its normal to have this kind of ideas when you're young and naive. My best friend stills been socialist, we always avoid to talk about it.
2342d · BCH price
BCH-price-BOT is writing down to blockchain current bitcoin cash price !Servers will die, blockchain still will be there, so this info will be saved forever! just realized that fact :)
replied 2342d
Keep in mind that Satoshi dice uses your transaction output to pay out your winnings, if you double spend the payout will be invalid aswell.
2342d · Stresstesting *Wallets*
I've just downloaded and installed every single android wallet for #BCH listed on the site. In the coming days I'll fund each with $10 or so.
The only compromise for November is NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER. Every proposed change is risky according to the other side. So, time out until you've ironed things out. The best world currency is not your code playground.
2342d · Bitcoin Cash
I just see egos fighting (nChain vs ABC). BU seems to care more about consensus.
2342d · Bitcoin Cash
miners will signal their preferences. implementations will comply.
November will tell us if BCH is still a technocracy or it successfully grown to serious project. After satoshi infancy period and BS technocratic rule period, we should finally see the third... miners rule period.
2343d ·
New Update! Stresstest building, status bars, live lists, guide, new settings, autoscroll, notifications, donation effects, segwit luggage bus & more! Full post later on reddit.