Yesterday BCH: 410624-409952=672 memo txs. num of txs📉15.3%, account for 1.4% of all BCH txs(49491) BSV: 763717-763295=422 memo txs, num of txs📈20.9%, (42170)
Yesterday BCH: 401252-400358=894 memo txs. num of txs📈6.4%, account for 1.5% of all BCH txs(60744) BSV: 759684-759310=374 memo txs, num of txs📈0.8%, account for 1.2% of all BSV txs(31409)
After about a month of #dailymemo I've earned around 500,000 satoshis. I know it's not much, but I didn't have to read one advertisement in the process, and no company is selling my data for their own profits.