
Joined Apr 14, 2018

I have deleted my Memo.cash account
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See you all one day on real Bitcoin.. BSV

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1936d · Capitalism
Oh and by the way, when you discuss something, and someone just comes and tells you to fuck off, no arguments back, and then banns you, that shows that this person has exact same type of fucked up mentality of those low level IQ people who don't know how to reason, and there are quite a few people like that in BSV as well. On average, I think, people in BSV are actually nor any better then people in BTC or BCH, the only difference is, they know BSV is better financial choice because it scales and that's about it, their personality is as fucked up as personality of many other people in crypto, they are still sociopaths.
1936d · Bitcoin SV
1936d · Bitcoin SV
1936d · Bitcoin SV
1937d · Bitcoin SV
1937d · Bitcoin SV
1937d · Bitcoin SV
1937d · Bitcoin SV
James Corbett Interview - ISIS Was Created, Armed And Funded By US/Israel & It's An Open Secret
#ISIS #CIA #Israel #alQaeda #Saudi #Turkey #Qatar #NATO #Iraq #Syria #Afghan
1936d · Capitalism
But I don't give a shit... I will always say this truth, and anyone who can't take it, can get fucked.
1936d · Capitalism
Parasitic, Psychopathic and Sociopathis truth hating shitheads... that is what the all are.. this is why the only way to get rid of such scum is through VIOLENCE aka REVOLUTION, which is what October revolution started... and why Monarchs and Capitalists of the west, especially US and UK, two countries which TO THIS DAY, attack other countries and people for Capitalist profiteering, have always been lying about Socialism and Communism. Literally everything they said about Capitalism and Communism is the OPPOSITE to the truth... and every time I prove to them that they are full of shit... CENSORSHIP kicks in... as it did just now. I got banned on r/bitcoin, then on r/btc, then on Twitter, and now in Lisa/River Discord also.
1936d · Capitalism
Oh, and here we go... the BSV Capitalism loving fuckheads, who can't stand hearing truth about Capitalism got me BANNED in their channel... FUCKING HYPOCRITES https://discordapp.com/channels/518359436415467522/518359436859932674
1936d · Capitalism
Here's more evidence that I am correct about what Capitalism produces... and how the OUTCOME of the Capitalists system will depend on the PERSONALITY of the individual (Capitalist) and this is EXACTLY what we got
1937d · Bitcoin SV
1937d · Bitcoin SV
1937d · Bitcoin SV
1938d · Bitcoin SV
1938d · Bitcoin SV
1938d · Ed
Could this be real reason some people call Craig Wright a Fraud?
muted 1938d
1938d · Capitalism
Whoever still thinks that Trump is not part of the Capitalist Oligarchy swamp... right now, CIA backed militia is committing a coup in Bolivia, US is supporting it, and what is Trump doing? Not a fucking thing... so if you still support Trump (not saying that Democrats are any better), you are a brainwashed MORON as well, and for that I wish on all of you and your families to eventually get same treatment as CIA/US Capitalist Oligarchy have done to billions of people world wide over the last century... FUCK ALL OF YOU !!!
replied 1938d
America is such a fucking disgusting country, everything in it is a facade and it is ruled over completely by outright Fascist Capitalist Oligarchy... and American people are to be blamed for this as it is American people who are the only ones who can keep their government accountable and American people HAVE NEVER DONE THIS !!!
Leaked Audio Recordings Implicate Cruz, Menendez And Rubio In Bolivia Coup & Veteran's Day Reality
#VeteransDay #EndlessWars #Bolivia #RegimeChange #Coup #TedCruz #BobMenendez #MarcoRubio
1939d · Bitcoin SV
1939d · Bitcoin SV