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1747d · DesertPeaMedia
1747d · DesertPeaMedia
1747d · DesertPeaMedia
1747d · DesertPeaMedia
1747d · DesertPeaMedia
1747d · DesertPeaMedia
1747d · DesertPeaMedia
1748d · WWII - hidden history
I just noticed YouTube has removed the "JFK to 911 Everything is Rich Man's Trick" documentary (which is one of the best documentaries I have ever watched)... I cannot recommend more to all of you Americans, to watch all these videos and see just how much you have been brainwashed... everything in America is a lie, absolutely everything, I am not exaggerating at all... and honestly UK population is no better, in fact US & UK are part of the 2 main pillars of the global Fascist Capitalist & Monarchy Oligarchy.
1748d · US Politics/Trump
Trump is part of the rich Capitalist Oligarchy, they are all Racist, Sexists, Psychopathic, complete lack of Empathy for the humanity, with unlimited hunger for more wealth and power, even when they have way more then they could ever need in their life... for them people are just pawns, expendables and deplorables... they don't give a fuck about the people, they never have, and Trump is no different... he has worst war mongers working for him, Israel is still bombing and killing people, civilians, US has put even more economic sanctions against Iran and Venezuela, Trump is lying about US economy being strong (and even if it was, it doesn't show how badly the people's lives are or how much more richer the rich are, or how many people who do have a job, even full time, have ended up living on the streets, in tents... to Trump this is all ignored, he is just brainwashing enough Americans through this Patriotism propaganda, I find it unbeliveable that people actually use thi...
1751d · Bitcoin SV
Bitcoin BTC Marketing through Crypto News Outlets is pure P R O P A G A N D A
1751d · Ed
Bitcoin BTC Marketing through Crypto News Outlets is pure P R O P A G A N D A
1751d · Craig Steven Wright
My review on CSW's article "How Keynes Failed To Comprehend Say’s Law"
Link to the article: https://craigwright.net/blog/economics/how-keynes-failed-to-comprehend-says-law-2/
1751d · Capitalism
My review on CSW's article "How Keynes Failed To Comprehend Say’s Law"
Link to the article: https://craigwright.net/blog/economics/how-keynes-failed-to-comprehend-says-law-2/
1751d · Ed
My review on CSW's article "How Keynes Failed To Comprehend Say’s Law"
Link to the article: https://craigwright.net/blog/economics/how-keynes-failed-to-comprehend-says-law-2/
1753d · Ed
So you think you understand Bitcoin? This should blow your mind...
1756d · Ed
UK, US, Canada, Australia... are all part of the same NAZI cabal, which started centuries ago in Austria/Germany (so called British Monarchy are actually of German decent, they are not even British), many units in US military wears Nazi insignia also, tons of Nazi groups in America also, the way CIA has been running propaganda, MSM repeating it all without any questioning... it all comes together in same circle... every attack on Socialist nations, every war since WWI, was driven by Fascism of the Capitalists... and European Monarchies... and US has been since WWII and is this way to this day, as Nazi Germany was during WWII... and this is the truth that American people need to digest and accept... and then fucking ACT TO CHANGE THIS !!!
1756d · Ed
Remember the CIA director comment: "When everything American public believe is a lie, our job will be done"US
1756d · Ed
Just more evidence to show you I am right all along, about US always being a Fascist Capitalist Oligarchy run by NAZIS and that CIA & US military are nothing but continuation of NAZI Germany
1756d · Venezuela
1756d · Venezuela
Oh and one more thing for your ignorant head: if you want to talk about DEPENDENCY... look at Capitalism you stupid fuck... who are people dependent in Capitalism? THE CAPITALISTS... there is no democracy in Capitalism for this very reason, because Capitalists have corrupted everything... EVERYTHING. Government is meant to provide jobs... using tax from the people... building services and jobs for the people... so that people can benefit from their own work... this is a closed sustainable cycle... and it is because Capitalists and Monarchs who remove this balance and sustainability, and instead of everything workers produce coming back to the people who produced it, there are now PARASITES (Capitalists... and Monarchs also) who exploit work of the people and extract wealth their produce, then hoard this wealth for themsleves... and that is CANCER OF SOCIETY, and it is the ROOT CAUSE of every shit that happens in the world for the past 2 centuries.
1756d · Venezuela
@White men are people to: You get it all wrong. Socialism doesn't make people dependent on government.... government IS THE PEOPLE... that is, when Government works for the people, which is what Socialism is. When Government works for the BUSINESS OWNERS, ie CAPITALISTS, that is when you have DEEP STATE, people who are not in the Government, who do not represent the interests of the people, who actually control the Government and it no longer represents the people. So is it not Socialism that is bad or evil, it is Capitalism. And who can you trust? Really? You think you can trust American media and politicians who are all proven liars for decades? Are you kidding me? There is absolutely nothing that someone from America said, that turned out to be true... and this is going back to WWI at least, if not more. Who you should trust is people who are victim of the Fascist Capitalist Imperialism of USA, and its NATO allies... the evil AXIS forces... this is what they really are. Even...
1756d · 2-legged cancer
Same as with cancer cells in human body, the system which has polluted society (society is in a way a living organism also) for as long as it exists, it spreads and kills the host (society itself), and this is evident in how music, sports, culture, education, health... and politics with endless war mongering... has changed in CAPITALIST western society.. and has been expanding globally... and until this system is removed completely from all society, humanity will never have peace and fairness... and we will keep going into self destruction... and eventually whole society will die.
1756d · 2-legged cancer
Its not human per say, that is the cancer. cancer is mindset of privatisation of things which weren't and never should be private, its the SYSTEM that is the cancer, not just human nature as truth is most humans are nowhere near as greedy and psychopathic as people who created and defend the systems we have, which they have bee using to manipulate mindset and society overall, and this is what the real cancer is, its entity which has polluted human mind through propaganda (Advertising, Religions, 2-side Politics, TV, Radio, and all other forms of Social media). And only way to cure this disease... IS TO REMOVE IT FULLY from society.
1756d · Capitalism
1756d · Capitalism
All wars are rich man wars... EVERY SINGLE ONE... wars today are driven by CAPITALIST IMPERIALISM... this is not an opinion, its a fact, that lot of people in Capitalism want to ignore and blame it on something else, changing the label in order to disguise the very system which is responsible for it. Every rich man got all the wealth by exploiting work of others and the very system which is DESIGNED to SYSTEMATICALLY (hence its called a SYSTEM) extract wealth from others... Monarchy did it (and still does it as there are still Monarchies), Slavery did it (and Slavery and slave human labour trade is now active again, in places like Libya which used to BEST COUNTRY in whole of Africa, which CAPITALIST IMPERIALIST USA FUCK UP completely... and too many Americans and British in particular, disgust me completely when they still keep repeating the patriotic propaganda, how America is great nation.. and all the fucking shit they still believe in... like IGNORANT HYPOCRITICAL SOCIOPATHIC ZO...