Is there seriously anyone here who believes they understand Economics and also believes Trump has good economic policy, (trade war)? Let's make it public!
Bitcoin SV SF meetup is back July 18! Pizza and drinks sponsored by @money_button! Tom will show insight about Craig's 50 presegwit Bitcoin challenge. $500k on the line, who wants it?
I have officially sold all of my crypto (remaining was BCH) for the one true coin that I believe is Bitcoin. I now walk my talk. I don't expect to have my surge in price anytime soon, but it will be here eventually
US Government declares every Lightning Network node is a Money Services Business (MSB). Every LN wallet company will have to buy MSB licenses and comply with AML/KYC.
1. Ignore everything about Craig Wright 2. Hear something about a Tulip contract of which Craig Wright is being sued for of his 1 million Bitcoin 3. ???? 4. Massive losses