Monopolies cannot exist in the absence of a state, but ED refuses to acknowledge any and all evidence of that despite mountains of evidence that monopolies exist today because of the state.
Its really just common sense. A monopoly can only exist when a government creates a 'barrier to entry' that prevents competition to the monopoly (which often has people in government)
Monopolies are protected by either laws or violence from the state. Free market and competition don't let monopolies to form or at least stop them from withold for a long time.
Interestingly, when you reply to a post - it doesn't also insert it into the topic. That isn't expected behaviour for me. You should be able to view post replies within the topic (maybe nesting?)
Same reason hospitals are so expensive. A needle doesn't cost $1000, but the hospital can get $1000 for that needle through government healthcare programs.
Fear of capitalism is a mixture of insecurity and economic illiteracy. Personal failure is projected onto the general population. "If I suck at life and need a nanny, so must everyone else."