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saved 1230d
Ok what the fuck is happening? 125??? these exchanges are CLEARLY manipulating EVERYTHING!!!
saved 1231d
B= Buy
T= Traffic
C= Children

saved 1233d
The World After 2030... it's gonna get weird!

saved 1233d
saved 1234d
There is literally 1000 reasons why this is a dumb unworkable impractical hippie dopey dumb "Green Energy" scam to give these useful idiots a job.

Of coarse NASA funded them, NASA looks for any stupid idea to waste tax dollars.

saved 1234d
Someone please tell me I'm wrong in thinking that this is one of the dumbest ideas ever. Kite Power, A kite fixed to the ground to be a more efficient wind turbine. Cause "GREEN ENERGY" gets u the funding.🤷‍♂️

saved 1236d

I smell a precedent coming, one that will put all these shit coin exchanges on notice, allowing US law to raid and capture all of them anywhere on earth.

Binance and HitBtc are next.
saved 1236d
As a young boy I always wondered...

Who wants such a skinny bitch?

Then after 911 you start digging into things and realize the decepticons are everywhere.

Guys are lusting after trannies, 🤢🤮

God must be disappointed by humanity

Humans are DUMB!
saved 1236d
Freemason's are responsible for the covid hoax and the vaccine.

Who runs the Free Masons?

Satanic Jews Control Freemasonry

They are all child sacrificing devil worshiping pedophiles

Shhhh, it's a BIG secret

saved 1237d
Listen bitdick, you are stupid.

If you can still move the coin it isn't stolen then is it! fucking retard!
saved 1237d
really thought that thru hey U do realize that 6 guys aren't stopping the drill until you transfer the coins. They aren't stupid, they know the tricks, so your either gonna die or your gonna give them the keys

Bitcoin can be ceased and thats a good thing.
saved 1237d
What if you had all your coins stolen? Would you feel the same way?

How about someone breaks in while your asleep, 6 guys tie u up, take a drill to your knees, until you give up the keys....

Who owns the bitcoin then fuckhead? Peter todd is a moron.
saved 1237d
Me Too😍
saved 1237d
Now I get where BTC and BCH got their marketing ideas from...

CHINA! It's like bitcoin but isn't.
saved 1237d
Watching this right now

Gained a lot of respect for Raphael of Crypto Vigilante. He knows!

I guarantee jeff berwick will dump his monero and pirate coin, etc for BSV, and he won't tell anyone before he does it. Cold Blooded!
saved 1239d
Best trade of the 21'st century is...

short the whites, long the asians.
saved 1240d
If you want to "win", stay out of their jurisdiction, do not accept any benefits, avoid their vessels, avoid their currencies

But we all know you won't do any of that cause freedom is difficult, and today people are soft civilized citizens. Not free men
saved 1241d
If you win by challenging jurisdiction, they don't put it in the public record. It would blow they're whole scam They usually throw out the case, they don't declare victory for the pleebs Like this, abandon ship

saved 1241d
What's happening is that people do not understand jurisdiction, so they go to court expecting common law, instead they get statutes, acts, and case precedent

Plus all "money" now is just credits or debits, so just do a set-off or discharge. Problem solved
saved 1241d
precisely, there isn't any contract. Very few challenge the "authorities" but a few have and those that fight it right, win and never pay income tax again.

Aaron russo found this all out in 2006.

saved 1241d
Well, there are people whom have fought the IRS and won and no longer pay income tax.

But tax evasion is a legitimate crime and so there's a lot of grey area there.

Of course being murdered isn't voluntary, that would be called assisted suicide if it was
saved 1241d
funny story, i bought a bch pos terminal like 3 years ago, never used it. Just realized today that it's just a raspberry pi inside. Gonna use it for a bitping node.

Here i thought it was useless garbage... now it's gonna be on 24/7 to earn some sats.😁
saved 1241d
coercion and threat is not committing the act. Maybe they are just bluffing? Most people just cuck and pay rather than find out

murder and theft are usually voluntary, just depends on the pov, pretty rare to be forced to murder or steal, not impossible.
saved 1241d
Best advice of 2021

saved 1241d
Tell them to go to https://drday.com/

She is 84 now and cured her own cancer, maybe they will listen to her cause she was a an actual trauma surgeon doctor for 25 years. Worth a try.
