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saved 1243d
check this out

saved 1244d
Dr Day crushing it, everything she says is spot on. must watch, especially if your sick in any way. Watch and download all her videos before she is dead or deleted.

saved 1244d
Obama is a jew

saved 1244d
Perhaps twetch should add a SPENT dollar amount... how do you know these people haven't spent 2k to make the 1800?

If that is the case, where peeps are spending more than they earn, then TWETCH is just a brilliant scam where some frogs get free money
saved 1245d
👀 "That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose".👀

Her or eternity in heaven....

/poll [Woman,Heaven]
saved 1245d
Do flies cause garbage? Or does garbage cause flies?

"Viruses" are not alive, they do not "mutate", viruses are just soap, a solvent, a result of the toxins around a cell causing the cell to self destruct releasing "viruses" which are really just cleaners
saved 1247d
cares bears!... STARE!!!
saved 1248d
try leaving 100 or so sats for a fee 0.17769800
saved 1248d
Are they all jewish?... what are the odds?🤔
saved 1248d
nice selfie 😂
saved 1248d
Fake one picture, means they fake all the pictures... This is just 1 of thousands of proofs that going to the moon in 1969 was PURE FANTASY and demonstrates how everyone is a mind controlled zombie! THEY CAN"T EVEN THINK... TV is a mind control device.
saved 1248d
@5318 hey man, sorry I gotta burst your space bubble... but no one walked on the moon in 1969...too think that is delusional. Once you realize they were capable of faking it ALL... you'll see why and how they HAD to fake it. Propaganda is a mf'r, all lies
saved 1248d
? you guys don't breach the groceries store? How do u get in?

We go swat style, smoke and flash bang the entrance, somersault thru the door then scatter, then we rally on a single cashier, more smoke bombs, and barrel roll out to the waiting get away car.
saved 1249d
That adreno-chrome is one hell of a drug!
saved 1249d
groceries run?... don't forget your flash grenades!
saved 1249d
typical for 2021 clown world
saved 1249d
Would ya look at this... people finally catching up to what I've known 100% for years. that Dr. Craig Steven Wright is the greatest inventor since tesla and edison, the inventor of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto

saved 1249d
yup... he's gonna get wrecked eventually.
saved 1249d
hey, Why would a supposed rich guy zatoshi, be selling bsv coins? I mean, if you're rich already, who would want to go thru the hassle of selling coins to the public?
Calvin Ayre doesn't sell shit. I think zatoshi is a Dan Bilzerian of BSV. aka a fraud.
saved 1250d
Think so, I would never buy BCH so I don't actually know...
saved 1250d
try atomic wallet...https://atomicwallet.io/ its got a built in exchange thingy.
saved 1250d
Person = Corporation

Corporation = Dead Legal Fiction

If you call yourself a person, use the ALL CAPS NAME

Then you have no inalienable god given rights.

You become a subject, subjected to civil law as a Citizen.

Citizens will be vaccinated by force.
saved 1250d
Paying Taxes is voluntary
saved 1250d
In spite of ample funding and virtually every president I've ever seen has "promised" america is going back to the moon,lol just need another 20 billion 10 years later, nope not yet, need another 20 billion. It's a joke, they are milking the gullible goyim
saved 1250d
Was it you I told to look up how USA got scammed by Yugoslavia in the 50's /60's??? Did you know they had absolutely zero knowledge of space anything in 1962, 7 years later their walking on the moon, but now 50+ yrs later... we still can't do it again🤣