
Joined Aug 31, 2018

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2072d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Lets have a moment of silence for all the people that lost their lives today when their rasp pis exploded. /s
2072d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
What Craig says about Proof of Social Media is so true. PoSM is such a cancer and ruins the way Bitcoin competes.
replied 2072d
First the community,seems all the people who made Bitcoin a currency are here on BCH,the tech is unique, and between its room for growth and how underestimated it is...love it here.
replied 2073d
Let them come, if they going to spam and pay fees for it, at least we get something back. Also who knows, maybe when we look back in many years, tipping 500 sats will be seen as a lot.
44 min block time wait. Couldn't be more anxious to see how big this block actually gets. AND what actually gets accepted!
Hot damn, we haven't even hit the official time, and I'm blown away by how much was thrown at stress testing already. BTC doesn't stand a chance. BCH forever!
I am Cain.
replied 2073d
IPFS may also be a good solution for storing image/video/audio data.
2073d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Soooo... It's officially September 1st. Let's get this party started!
replied 2073d
Data on chain is raw binary, no need to text encode it. Allowing inputing base64 pngs is a good idea, thx