Would you like to have a suicide device? 1 - No, it's bad. 2 - I am not sure. 3 - Yes, available on the market (e.g. as firearms). 4 - Yes, available publicly (as suicide booth in Futurama). 5 - I don't care.
try to remember the most disgusting stories and examples of human behavior, would it have happened if suicide was considered as one of the normal rational options for solving problems
Long-term decentralized project. Managers wanted: - good knowledge of cryptocurrencies and blockchains - good knowledge of Tails system (and Linux in general) - rational open mind
Contacts: msg.adamant.im?address=U11919847333346650345 hmdfis at anonymousspeech.com hmdfis at countermail.com (optional encryption - keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?search=0xc004b2bc&op=index)
Send your cv to one of the contacts. And please append small text on 4 topics: you, life, technologies, anonymous technologies.
Anonymity is essential. You can register anonymous accounts on the same sites: anonymousspeech.com - free adamant.im - free message tokens adamant.im/free-adm-tokens/ countermail.com - paid