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saved 173d
Moral of the story… The solar system is a very dangerous and unstable place. We are lucky to have survived this catastrophe and no doubt we are a species with permanent PTSD and amnesia.
saved 173d
Ixion goes back to the Etruscans (at least 500BC), and was the prototype for Satan and Jesus and also analogous to Sisyphus. He was blasted with a thunderbolt for his crimes (speared in the side) and bound to a winged fiery wheel that was always spinning. His crimes were murdering members of his own family and tempting the Queen of Heaven (Venus as a comet) to sin.

Cross-Fixed-Ixion (Cruc-ifixion)

Jesus is described as the Morning Star in Revelation 22:16. Satan is Lucifer (bringer of light), which is also associated with the morning star (Venus). At least part of the asteroid belt is comprised of pieces of Mars that were electrically excavated from this massive canyon. The rest could be pieces of Venus or an unknown exploded planet. After Venus was cast down from its position as Queen of Heaven, it now spins upside down (or backwards) from the other planets and is still the hottest planet (like hell), despite not being the closest to the sun.
saved 173d
Sorry, I came in a little hot there. 🤣 I've spent a good portion of my adult life trying to get to the bottom of this, and I was definitely triggered. If you check out the Thunderbolts Project channel on youtube though, they have everything you could possibly want to learn about this.

saved 173d
'My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.' -Hosea 4:6
saved 173d
Helios is Saturn, not the Sun. The ancients are trying to tell us something important about the Solar system… namely that Saturn used to be MUCH CLOSER to the Earth.
saved 173d
Obviously, none of these symbols look anything like our current sun, because they're not supposed to. 'The planet Saturn is Shamash.'
saved 173d
Sol, Helios, and Ra have absolutely nothing to do with our current sun. There are many books and Youtube channels specifically devoted to clearing up this confusion.
saved 173d
Are you actually able to transfer twonks? I'd like to give some of mine away as prizes too, but I still get sigil errors when trying to move them. The fact that this isn't a priority for the Twetch team, tells me they were never serious about making Twetch successful in the first place. They literally told us they were going to nuke it, and that's exactly what happened.
saved 183d
You mad bro?
saved 183d
Ryan finding out that Creg left a turd in his Lambo.
saved 183d
We deserve better.
saved 183d
Still can't transfer Twonks. Have we not suffered enough? @742, @1, @3, @4 We already knew y'all were retarded, but if you can't fix Twetch, would you mind selling it to someone that can? Creg may have rugged our wallets, but you guys have rugged our hearts. 😔 It's not right.
saved 183d
Why be a chart monkey, when you could be taking the Lambo out for a spin?
saved 183d
If you don't offer anything for sale in exchange for Bitcoin, are you really participating in the economy, or are you just a degenerate moonboi?
saved 183d
saved 192d
saved 192d
saved 195d
You forgot the part about scaling bitcoin, traveling the world, speaking at conferences, teaching classes, and completing at least a half dozen graduate degrees along the way. Anyone that can fool Gavin and accomplish all that, would have to be a genius several orders of magnitude beyond Satoshi... truly a God amongst men. We should all be honored to be rugged by the greatest scammer in history; but personally, I still find it more likely that Craig is Satoshi, or was very close to Satoshi and felt obligated to pose as him, in order to restore the original vision of Bitcoin.
saved 196d
It's a question of indoctrination. There are plenty of liberal men creating bad times as well. Women can't take all the credit.
saved 196d
Please ask them to fix Twetch and stop rugging us.
saved 196d
Remember the sheer joy and magic of twonks before we were rugged and everything stopped working around here? Those were the good ol' days.
saved 196d
Does anyone get the feeling we're living in the Truman Show? BSV is the roach motel that we can never leave? All I ever wanted to do was use Bitcoin to buy real stuff and build a little alternative economy for nerds, craftspeople, libertarians, and homesteaders, but it was hijacked in 2017. Ever since then, things have been completely nuts. 😂 Why can we never catch a break? Why is their still no marketplace? Why does the Twetch team treat us like we're invisible? Will the eggs ever hatch? Or are we gonna have to hatch these mothertruckers ourselves? 🤔
saved 199d
I think it's finally time to show the boomers how the true value of Bitcoin is calculated. I say 1 BSV is worth 1 / 250th of this jewel, and I say NO amount of fiat or BTC can ever buy it. Never forget that the value of Bitcoin is in OUR HANDS now, thanks to Creg's tireless effort at restoring Satoshi's Vision.
saved 199d
@742 I see people are successfully purchasing twonks in the feed, but I still can't transfer any of mine without getting a sigil error. Any info would be appreciated.
saved 199d
So just to summarize... Cregcoin was worth $40 before the trial, but it's now worth $100 after Creg is officially declared an imposter.
How are we ever supposed to recover from this devastating setback? 😂