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saved 245d
saved 245d
Identifying the snakes in BSV is super easy. Just look for anyone with a Twitter or Ordinals link in their profile. ZERO FUCKING LOYALTY. I'm over it.
saved 245d
saved 245d
If anyone has any unwanted Twonks, why not go ahead and send them to @742 like @272 has done, to show our appreciation and give him even more incentive to get the Twonk market up and running again?
My precious fronks now belong to the Church of Fronktology, so I'm not at liberty to give them away; he can have this ugly ass lizard. I don't fuck with reptiles anymore.
saved 245d
I hereby bequeath this jewel to the Church of Fronktology. 12 carat pink tourmaline, 18K gold, platinum reflector, 10 platinum screws, and 176 diamonds. All handmade from scratch by the greatest living jeweler alive and the only jeweler ever named Master Craftsman by Tiffany & Co.
It will be given to a Church member at some point in the future when I have found someone worthy enough to carry on my legacy.
@6345 would like to continue to stay poor and whine about things outside of his control, but for the rest of you losers, I hope you'll consider joining the Church soon, and repenting from your wicked ways of using Twitter and small block Bitcoin.
saved 245d
Why do you have that retarded Ordinals wallet link in your profile? I think you'd feel better if you removed it and joined the Church of Fronktology. You're one of the most loyal Twetch users, but in all your posts, I haven't really learned anything relevant about you or what you have to offer the community, besides occasional twonk giveaways. Make the people add value for everything that you give away. Ask people how you can add value for them.
So that's my next question… how can I add more value to you, pxl? I've got plenty of fronks and jewelry that I'd like to give away to accelerate hyperbitcoinization, but no one seems to want to help me get Twetch back on track.
saved 245d
Sounds like you've got what it takes to be a Twetch dev. 😂May as well send them a resume.
saved 245d
Fair enough. /trolltoll @6345 $50 for being a douche.
saved 245d
See, we do have common ground. We both understand that Twitter is a problem. Help me be a part of the solution, by adding more value to Twetch. We add value by distilling our thoughts into the most condensed posts possible. We add value by advertising our advice, products and services in exchange for Bitcoin.
saved 245d
FEDs are dying to make an example of patriots and ruin their lives. There's probably some blue haired mutant reviewing your Tweets right now. The best we can do is protect ourselves, accelerate hyperbitcoinization, and move to jurisdictions with the most like minded people.
saved 245d
Are you telling me that people can't easily remove their Twitter link from their profiles? My God, Twetch is even more rekt than I thought. 🤦‍♂️😂
Why the fuck are we advertising Twitter on Twetch? This must be the result of retarded leadership. The only acceptable use of Twitter should be to promote Twetch. It should be a one-way street from Twitter to Twetch, with no looking back.
saved 245d
It's only a desert, because half of you losers are still addicted to Twitter and don't make Twetch a priority. Hyperbitcoinization commences as soon as we WILL IT.
saved 245d
Actually, I think this network is already too large. 100 people is more than enough to jumpstart a parallel economy. Muting you means you basically no longer exist for me. I'd prefer not to have to do that, but I will if you continue to post cringe, boomer-level memes about Communism. It actually IS your job to give the community the experience we are looking for. That's all of our jobs. Not just to blurt out every retarded fucking idea that comes into our heads, but to figure out how we can provide the maximum value to each other. This is the point of Twetch. This is the point of life.
saved 245d
saved 245d
I have no idea what that means, but yes… it's about fucking time we get some damn respect around here. Fuck ordinals. Fix Twetch.
saved 246d
It's not a personal notebook though. It's a community of potential billionaires with multi-million dollar advertising space. Some people may end up muting you that actually don't want to, because you clog up their feed. I don't want to have to scroll through your personal notebook every time I catch up on Twetch news. Does that make sense? Why are you giving away ideas for free elsewhere? Why not reserve your best output for the people here on Twetch, that can give you instant monetary feedback? I'm begging you, please condense the most important information about yourself and your areas of expertise. Pin it at the top of your profile for a couple days and see what kind of response you get.
saved 246d
Everyone should be thinking of their profile and pinned post as million dollar advertising space, because it is.
saved 246d
Bro, what are you here trying to accomplish? Look how many posts you have that get 0 likes or branches. That's a tragedy. I know how it feels because I've had plenty of posts like that as well. That means we're not respecting our own time. We have the energy and brainpower, but we're not directing it at the right things. We need to treat these accounts like million dollar advertising space. Every post should be supremely precious because that's how you give people the most possible value without wasting their time. Instead of verbal diarrhea, we should all be attempting to have verbal constipation. Guard our wisdom and make people pay for the privilege of interacting with us. The worst thing that happened to Twetch was that it got too cheap. Tell us about yourself and what you will do in exchange for Bitcoin. Add a photo every once in a while. Distill all the most important things you have to say and put it in a pinned post. These are my suggestions as a troll, b...
saved 247d
So you're saying the pink eggs DO hatch after all?
saved 247d
Kind of strange to have a link to an ordinals wallet if you don't even use it. Why are Twetch users so cucked? BTC is toxic garbage. No one on Twetch should be promoting that shit.
saved 247d
If you want to support Twetch, just give it straight to @742 and cut out the middle men. Or better yet, use it to buy coffee from other Twetch users like @72091 Maybe we need more Monero people on Twetch to actually show us what a real p2p economy looks like.
saved 247d
Why would anyone want to buy you a coffee or buy your NFTs, when you're talking shit about the person that made this entire site possible? Are you a fucking retard? You are using BSV to talk shit about the creator of BSV. /trolltoll @40753 $50
saved 247d
Does promoting Twitter and Ordinals in your profile help make Twetch great again? Or is that actually a part of the problem? I happen to like your memes, but they don't seem to be getting the attention of the Twetch team fast enough. They fucked us and stranded us on a barren island, but we still have all the tools we need to make this a paradise. Surely you must have some kind of business or skills that you could promote instead of Twitter?
saved 247d
If you're still measuring success in fiat terms, you've missed the point. We already won because we have a blockchain that scales. It's time to use it and build a parallel economy NOW rather than endlessly waiting for something that might never happen.
saved 247d
You have a selling price. I don't. We're not the same. You obviously didn't comprehend the last sentence of my post. /trolltoll @4879 $50