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saved 247d
The COPA trial is noise. Coinmarketcap is noise. Politics are noise. Twitter is noise. The block size wars are over. We already won. It's time we started acting like it.
saved 247d
Segwit did prevail though, because the BTC mob is unified and we aren't. Twetch devs care more about providing infrastructure for our enemies, because they're so desperate for cash. Do you think that handle has any significance to 99.9% of people on Twetch? Would you agree the entire point of restoring the original protocol was to enable casual p2p transactions? If someone introduced themselves as a series of numbers and letters at a party, would you be inclined to do business with them, or even be able to remember their name after a few days?
I'm not saying you should change it or I have all the answers, but I worry that some of our autistic and individualistic tendencies, could prevent us from providing the most possible value to each other. If you've been in Bitcoin for 10 years like I have, you should be frustrated that we still don't have a functional marketplace. My whole purpose here is to get people to realize that we don't have to wait around for Cr...
saved 248d
What are you going to do once you're at the top? The Church of Fronktology needs you on the front lines. We got a lot of fronks to find homes for. Are you really wedded to the name 79b? With a fronk rocking a red bandana and that much attitude, you need a more memorable name.
saved 248d
I'm not sure if you were interested in joining the Church of Fronktology, but you're gonna have to step up your game if you want to provide a stable home for these impressionable young fronks. First things first, the Twitter and OW links in your profile gotta go. Fronktology members are expressly forbidden from promoting inferior products like Twitter or shitcoins like BTC. We only fuck with Twetch and big blocks in this Church. We'd prefer that members not use Twitter at all, but at the very least, they should pin a post promoting Twetch at the top. Gotta set a good example for the youngsters. Also, your background image should be related to what you do for a living. May I suggest something like this? The whole idea is to condense all the most important info about ourselves at the top of our profile, so we can be more useful to the community.

Also, could you respond to this post with a little more detail about your skillset or qualifications with blueprints or design a...
saved 248d
I've been checking it out over the last couple days. It's very primitive and not nearly as fun as Twetch, but it's an interesting concept. I ought a stupid $100 avatar, (the minimum price is around $50) but I keep getting an error when trying to set it as my pfp. There's no customer service whatsoever. At least Twetch pretends to be interested in troubleshooting problems, but over there, you're basically on your own. Twetch should probably incorporate locking at some point just to cover their bases.
saved 249d
I hereby donate these little bastards to the Church of Fronktology. They are too much of a burden for one man. One of these 12 fronks will be given to a Church member on the 20th of each month, beginning in February and ending on Jan 20, 2024. If any of these fronks sell before they are given away, the proceeds will be DISTRIBUTED EQUALLY amongst the members. TO BE A MEMBER in good standing, you must meet the following requirements:

1.) Branch this post and follow my account.
2.) If you still use Twitter, please pin a post that promotes Twetch and repent from your wicked ways.

The Church elders ask that your Twetch profile should conform to these specifications:
1.) Pick an easy to remember name that you can stick with and a background image that represents something relevant about yourself or what you have to offer the community.
2.) List the basic geographic area you are in (state, country) and which languages you speak or code in.
3.) List any areas of expertise that you'd ...
saved 250d
Those oatmeal butterscotch cookies looked incredible. :) You could have a Bitcoin baking empire in no time! There's gotta be more than a few hungry Twetchlings out there.
Do you have any ideas of how we could get more homesteaders on Twetch? How did you find out about this crazy place anyway?
saved 250d
What a tease. I guess we'll know when the market is fixed when this $1 egg sells.
saved 250d
As far as I'm concerned, we should all be taking notes from Sonya on how to add more value to the community… so many consistently interesting posts without pumping any jpegs or shitcoins! It IS possible!
/pay @76093 $5 for all the great content that Twetch bugs prevented me from liking last year.

Not to put you on the spot Sonya, but do you think you could offer a sampler pack of some of your desserts or jams that would survive shipping in the US? Maybe like $40 worth of goodies, plus $10-15 for shipping? I know you'd have at least one customer on Twetch.
saved 257d
saved 257d
saved 261d
Twonks turned us into greedy little Gordon Geckos, but the truth is, they're only as valuable as the community and technology they represent. We were busy dreaming about what Twonks could do for our wallet balance, when we should've been investing that money into devs that could actually build a stable wallet.
Always be suspicious of anyone trying to trade you a jpeg in exchange for your precious Bitcoin... especially if they have a perfectly manicured mustache and hypnotic red eyes.
saved 262d
We learned a valuable lesson at least... never trust reptiles dressed like frogs. They're easy to spot, because they're addicted to Twitter and can't stop pumping shitcoins and jpegs.
saved 262d
saved 262d
If you're out there Gary, come to Twetch and I'll give you a complimentary fronk while supplies last.
saved 262d
Manipulative people manipulate. Quality women have less of a need to do that. In any case, real Gastons have no need to say things to devalue women to get what they want. That's absolutely terrible advice.
saved 262d
Negging may be required for guys that have to read books about picking up women, but it certainly isn't a universal truth. Women don't give shit tests to Gaston. They give them to the guys they're unsure about. The guys that write pick up artist books are not Gaston and never will be.
saved 262d
That's the spirit. Maybe the CEO wants it? 🤣
saved 262d
Don't worry. Your money's in a better place now… invested into building NFT trading infrastructure for our retarded cousins in BTC land. Just think of it like a 'Make a Wish' donation.
saved 262d
Two wrongs don't make a right. Twetch fucked us. We're better than that. It's not reasonable to expect a newbie to know that the vaxx is rekt. We should be trying to help each other, not exploit each other. Bad karma.
saved 265d
First of all, thanks for responding. My name is also Chris by the way, so I guess we have that in common. You're one of the few Twetchers that has a straightforward name and sticks with it, so I appreciate that, because it helps me remember who I'm talking to.
Just to summarize... it sounds like you would spend your last penny to tell us that Twetch is rekt and we're too early. That certainly may be true, but I think we're over-complicating things a bit. I don't know if you were around in 2016, but there was a platform called Open Bazaar, which was basically a P2P marketplace. I could buy all kinds of things from other Bitcoiners, and buyers could even choose from a list of escrow mediators before purchasing an item, in case there was a dispute. I guess I stopped using the platform around 2017, even though it existed until 2021 I think.
My point is, if such a marketplace could exist 8 years ago, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to recreate something...
saved 266d
Listen up frens. I've had a lot of time to think about the whole situation with Twetch. I don't know if this shit is intentionally sabotaged or if the Twetch team are just that retarded, but either way, it's not great. The CEO hasn't posted in weeks, and hasn't replied to anyone in almost a year. That pretty much tells you everything you need to know about what he thinks of us clowns. It's his loss though, because this place is still infinitely better than Twitter, even when it barely works.
I've got something cooking that should get this place back on track; but in the meantime—while we wait in Twetch purgatory—I'd like everyone to think about what they would post if they only had one penny left and there was no market for flipping jpegs. What do you want the community to know about you? What skills do you have to offer? Do you have any products or services to sell? What would you like to see others selling? What kind of content do you want to see m...
saved 266d
Congratulations on scamming some newbie that now owns a perfectly useless vaccine that doesn't work. How is that good for the community? This is the problem with having shitty leadership.
saved 267d
saved 268d
Fool us once, shame on them. Fool us 218 times… 🤦‍♂️