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saved 288d
Wen apology for pumping twonks, shitcoins, and green checks before you had a stable platform? We believed in you guys. You could've at least bought us dinner before fucking us so hard. I never received or requested a single airdrop, FYI… just assumed Twetch wouldn't implode, but I guess that was too much to ask.
saved 288d
10 years. Didn't you get the company memo?
saved 288d
Why do you say cryptofights disappeared? Their website is up. You mean not as many people are using it anymore?
saved 290d
saved 290d
I desire maximum pain... that's why I'm a BSV and Twetch user, of course. In all seriousness though, I read the FAQ on your site and it mostly makes sense, but the one glaring problem is that it has no traffic. Kind of a similar issue with Twetch. We can make all the costly signals we want, but if the transmitter is buried at the bottom of the ocean, I don't see how that helps.
I would also push back a little on your use of the term handicap. Muscles are an honest sign of fitness, but I wouldn't consider them a handicap. Peacock feathers seem costly, but they also serve an important defensive role, by helping to confuse and frighten predators. Ideally, what we really want is to send the loudest signal possible that's appealing to our mates, frightening to our enemies, and costs us very little, right? I'm thinking something like a digital flash mob, but that requires coordination, which we seem to be severely lacking at the moment. If Twetch was reliable, we ...
saved 290d
Well that was an unexpected surprise. I'll do my best to give that ugly bastard a loving and stable home. What I'd really like to figure out though, is how we can leverage these twonks to bring in new users.
saved 293d
@742 Are you sure that Elon guy still works here? Maybe you could find out how much money they want for this place, so some new management can help it reach its fullest potential. There oughta be some kind of VIP concierge service for loyal Twetch paypigs.
saved 294d
When Twetch exclusive auctions?
saved 294d
saved 294d
What actually happened on the mint day? I missed it by a few hours because of work. Was there some kind of drama with the artist backing out, or was it just technical glitches as usual?
saved 294d
These are my cartel holdings. No exotics unfortunately.
saved 294d
Is there an email we could reach you at if Twetch ever becomes unusable?
saved 294d
Just out of curiosity, what keeps you coming back to buy twonks when you don't really use the platform anymore? I would think you of all people would have a vested interested in keeping this place from becoming a ghost town.
saved 295d
I guess I should've known that since I already follow that guy. Apparently he hasn't logged in in many months though. Kinda sad that he didn't even bother to check in for his own mint. I guess he had better things to do. 🤷‍♂️
saved 295d
It's in the Apu marketplace
saved 296d
What kind of benefits you offering? Dental, paid vacations?
saved 296d
@24 Have you done any interviews lately? If so, where are they being posted? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on locking and how it might be used to accelerate hyperbitcoinization. You had mentioned getting your Youtube channel back up and running. Would it be possible to commission video responses on certain topics? I feel like a lot of people want to help Bitcoin grow but aren't really sure what the best way to go about it is. How can we become more effective Bitcoin evangelists? /pay @24 $5
saved 296d
Hey Randy, I was wondering if you guys could give more updates on here about Ordinals or whatever you're working on in the outside world. It gets lonely in here. Please don't make me get back on Twitter to stay informed. 🙏The vibe is so much better in here.
saved 296d
saved 296d
We miss you, buddy. Don't be such a stranger. Do you think maybe you could give us loyal users a roadmap to what you see on the horizon for Twetch in 2024? Should we expect things to get better, or is that just wishful thinking? I know you've been busy with Ordinals and I appreciate that you guys have kept the lights on here for us, but when are we gonna get this place jumping again?
saved 296d
That's a sweet ride. Do you know who the artist is? Let me know if you're interested in trading for an exotic fronk. I've got the astronout and hypnotist.
saved 296d
The only thing holding Twetch back is the tech. This is an incredible place, even when it barely works.
saved 319d
That's called the Twetch inconvenience fee.
saved 321d
There's an easy fix for that… just unmute @6345 😂
But seriously though, this site is a trainwreck. It's amazing any of us retards keep logging in expecting anything to change. At least with the Nakamotor mint, we'll finally be able to get rugged in comfort and style. 😎
saved 324d