Wrong. That's stupid talk... You must be 13. ALL of our ancestors no matter WHAT color/race were all minorities here in the USA at one time. Time to change your ignorant thinking. That's what makes America.
I kept having alot of dreams of falling off buildings and cliffs. I guess it means I was stressing about uncertainty in my life at the time. I hate snakes
Tried to reply 4 times now. Glitch. Anyways yes, being able to conceive spending it, and the investment barrier also. Hopefully I can get the main friends to come along for the ride☺
My old boss Harry Gold, CEO of Overdrive Interactive taught me a few things about how marketing works. I'm going to teach him a few things about how markets work.
I think its cool tho, dont get me wrong. I am all for everyone becoming financially stable and getting it how they can. I have met quite a few people from around world bcuz of spice
I swear its a ton of people from the Philippines that have joined. Alot of little kids it seems too. Where did all the funny memes go? Good idea on the promo idea also