
Joined Sep 04, 2018

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replied 1911d
No. But topics are going to be rebranded as chatrooms and topic messages will be less prominent elsewhere on the site.
replied 1911d
This should be resolved now. Thanks for reporting!
replied 1912d
The site tries to use all your UTXOs to get around the issue. Even with mitigations in place, users only have so many UTXOs and this limit still gets hit.
replied 1912d
That would be some work but will hopefully be an option at some point. Thanks for the feedback.
1913d · memo
Celebrate your independence, Memo now supports muting!
1925d · #TipBCHDevs
Here's a link to tip the folks who are developing the TipBitcoinCash service. This will help streamers monetize their streams
1932d · memo
Token exchange updated! This should fix offers getting cancelled unintentionally.
replied 1933d
Offers seem to get invalidated the next action someone takes. A fix is being worked on.
1934d · Craig Steven Wright
If only someone would invent a way to mathematically and trustlessly prove he mined in the first 70 blocks🤔.
1936d · memo
Memo now supports exchanging tokens!
replied 1936d
i want to USE crypto not theorize on what it will do. Not a speculator here, just a trying to create a business. You know devs won't ever drive adoption, therefore no traction, ever.