
Joined Nov 13, 2018

Made in Finland

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replied 1973d
So many Bitcoins exist right now?
replied 1974d
Where do you draw the line between Bitcoin and not-Bitcoin?
replied 1974d
You could try just #!/usr/bin/python3 (assuming the python3 binary is at /usr/bin or is symlinked there).
replied 1975d
So replace that path with whatever "which python" returns, e.g. #!/usr/bin/python or #!/bin/python
replied 1975d
I never used it, but I presume you start it with some program that ends with ".py" If yes, then if you open that file with some text editor, the first line points it to python..
replied 1975d
pip install PyQt5-sip in case you have multiple python versions installed you need to be sure that whatever program you're trying to run points to the correct version
1976d · Bitcoin SV
Nobody else in Bitcoin writes such pieces https://link.medium.com/oBBuI1QbwS
1977d · Bitcoin SV
My interpretation is that whenever we reach parity Bitmain, Roger, etc. cartel whales set up big sell walls. Is this correct?
replied 1977d
homopit is 4D CSW shill
1978d · Bitcoin SV
BSV up against Jihan/Roger/Haipo/Jiang/Coinbase/Kraken/Reddit and still plowed through. That’s power!
1979d · Bitcoin SV
Now we just need to flip BTC :)
followed 1981d
replied 1981d
1981d · Bitcoin SV
How do I split my coins on memo? I don't want to contribute to the economic activity of the Bitmain ABChain
1982d · Bitcoin SV
Markets don’t like the changes amaury is doing. Abc price got absolutely crushed post fork even though ABC “won” the ticker. That should be a huge red flag
1981d · Bitcoin Cash
Mentioned BSV transaction record of 4 million in a day at 1500 txns per sec on twitter, and now my twitter account is locked. WTF is going on!
replied 1982d
Not if but when..
1984d · Bitcoin SV
Great talk. End game for Bitcoin. I finally get it!!
1984d · Bitcoin SV
So this Metanet thing is pretty cool
replied 1986d
It's not Amaury's vision, it's Jihan's vision that Amaury is implementing. Jihan says, Amaury does
replied 1986d
Ian Grigg, he pretty much defined financial cryptography, a Satoshi in his own right..
followed topic Bitcoin SV 1986d