
Joined Nov 13, 2018

Made in Finland

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replied 1998d
If you read http://financialcryptography.com/mt/archives/001617.html and still insist that CSW wasn't involved you're simply in denial. Not that anyone should follow him because of it
1998d · Bitcoin Cash
I fucked up so bad supporting Amaury. I should have supported Satoshi exclusively
replied 1998d
I don't see any reasons why Ian Grigg would lie about the Tulip trust story..
replied 1998d
Also if the Tulip trust story turns out to be true, BTC, BCH, BTG, BCD, etc. will all die Jan 2020. Less than 0.5 BTC buys you a ticket to the Bitcoin (SV) 21 club right now..
2000d · Bitcoin Cash
followed topic Linux 2000d
replied 2000d
This is my work setup, I just put some stuff there up for show. Usually I keep 2-3 terminals open to each cluster/server I'm at on their own desktops.
replied 2000d
Moving between terminal windows, desktops, etc. (and toggling e.g. fullscreen) is just so much more convenient with keyboard shortcuts vs. having to use a mouse.
2001d · Electronic music
I have like 1k song D&B playlist I've been compiling over the last decade or so :D
2001d · Electronic music
2001d · Electronic music
2001d · Electronic music
followed topic Electronic music 2001d
2001d · Electronic music
replied 2001d
Gnome is the best DE but it's not match for i3 or any other modern tiling WM for that matter..
replied 2002d
Stiff. If you're looking for an echo chamber, there's always /r/btc
2005d · Bitcoin Cash
PREDICTION: Jihan grudgingly admits defeat along with roger/haipo /Jiang. The dust settles. Merchants/users fall in love with Bitcoin (SV). Jihan joins forces with CSW to take down Core. Moon
replied 2005d
Amaury's Bitmain Coin isn't Bitcoin anymore and neither is the Blockstream Coin (BTC). SV is all that is left, thus SV is the real Bitcoin.
voted BSV 2005d
created poll 2006d
In the case that Memo only supports one chain, which chain do you prefer?
BCH 47 votes · 9,563 satoshis
BSV 52 votes · 15,267 satoshis


replied 2006d
That was pretty clever, well done :)
2007d · Bitcoin Cash
Amaury's Bitmain Coin will never become a world currency
replied 2007d
But that's an echo chamber on the other extreme, no?
2007d · Bitcoin Cash
Now that /r/btc is an official part of Jihan's propaganda machine, what are some places where sensible discussion can still take place?
2008d · Bitcoin Cash
334,000 transactions in that 64 MB block. Breaking records, even during ongoing hashwar. BitcoinSV for the win.