
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Silk is cash, cash is silk.

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2070d · RoyalTiffany
Year 2019 will be the year of bottom forming
2286d · RoyalTiffany
2286d 15/Nov/2018 Teranode on the brink of second bailout for Bitcoin.
Whether to run a pure blockchain application or an internet application using blockchain tech is a hard choice.
created poll 2335d
If, I say if, if BCH forked into two in Nov, how long it takes one to kill another.
1. BCHSV kill BchABC in three month 2 votes (2 unique) · 0 satoshis
2. BchABC kill BCHSV in three months 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
3. One alter the algorithm become not killable by hash. 1 votes (1 unique) · 0 satoshis


中秋节快乐,BCH TDM
replied 2338d
Did I ask you to?

I seek to have BCH as global money, I do not ask for support for me. I want people to do what is in their rational long term interests

That is it.
replied 2351d
Sk8eM dUb
There are already similar machines made in Korea that do exactly this with BCH. I hope to see them start getting deployed!
Bitcoin Cash News with Roger Ver (me) & some Special Guests *LIVE* onboard Coinsbank Cruise

Paper - #850

MiTM Resistant #42 Exchange
Last year BTC could only process a single transaction for $50.
Today BCH is processing 35,000 transactions for $50.
2367d · RoyalTiffany
Are u having a good Saturday night?
I will take coming Bangkok meeting as show hand rather than neogociation meeting.
there is nothing to negotiate indeed!
replied 2374d
ABC is another CORE
2377d · memo
Post about why ANCESTOR_LIMIT and DESCENDANT_LIMIT should be removed from ABC/BU -
2377d · memo
Post about why ANCESTOR_LIMIT and DESCENDANT_LIMIT should be removed from ABC/BU -
2395d · Fire Amaury Sechet
Fixes for selfish mining (fake problem) and for 0-conf (also never a problem)
2395d · Fire Amaury Sechet
Links to his proposals? Also for the record there were many people who forked in unison not just A Sechet so don't attribute the creation to him as it has been Satoshi's since Genesis
2393d · Fire Amaury Sechet
Bitcoin succeeds when anyone can try to build it in their image and the community decides based on THE TECHNOLOGY what to run.
2393d · Fire Amaury Sechet
All Amaury did was state that HE was prioritizing those things. He can prioritize whatever he wants. Only people like you and CSW seem to think him working on what he wants is an issue.
2390d · Fire Amaury Sechet
Its a metaphor. The point is to try to convince miners to stop running ABC
2385d · Fire Amaury Sechet
Just how much evidence to people need?