Johnny MacDougal

Joined Nov 21, 2019

I am exploring a related technology that codes messages into unspendable addresses and at times relies on Satoshi codes. I believe that we will eventually use all of these systems together with each other.

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Johnny MacDougal
replied 1586d
Johnny MacDougal
I like doge or zcash. These things aren't dead, they are just different.
Johnny MacDougal
replied 1586d
Not reject, but just taking a different approach. The way I figure is that tons of people are putting OP_RETURN messages into some form of Bitcoin cash, so why not do something else.
Johnny MacDougal
replied 1586d
Johnny MacDougal
Johnny MacDougal
replied 1586d
True, but the Bitcoin forks are pretty interchangeable at a very high level, especially if you about OP_RETURN for simpler schemes with unspendable addresses and Satoshi codes.
Johnny MacDougal
Memo is awesome. I think all of these message systems should. Connect. This one is powered by doge and is quite different and can be understood and interacted with from outside the system:
Johnny MacDougal
1625d · Dogecoin
Sorry for the double post
Johnny MacDougal
1625d · Dogecoin
Johnny MacDougal
1625d · Dogecoin
Johnny MacDougal