Jacob Johnson

Joined Jun 11, 2019

Voluntaryist, noob p5js programmer, supporter of the original bitcoin protocol.

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tipped 5 SPICE_SV 1978d
tipped 5 SPICE_SV 1978d
1978d · memo
BCH: 577847-576148=1699 memo txs. num of tx📉11.0%, account for 4.3% of all BCH txs(39554)
BSV: 808461-808277=184 memo txs. num of txs📈119%, (174478)
BTC: (304515), BCH/BTC=13.0%
created 1,000,000 SPICE_SV tokens 1978d
set profile 2066d
Lost password, switched to new account: https://memo.cash/profile/14HyiE8jY9dBLgPwk8mxY7y2Z5nxsEWDdd Please do not send any tokens to this account or they will be lost.
Lost my password, but still have access via mobile app. I'm switching everything over to my new profile, Jacob S Johnson. https://memo.cash/profile/14HyiE8jY9dBLgPwk8mxY7y2Z5nxsEWDdd
2066d · Racism
Every single time you post a random tweet in this thread you become 1% more retarded
The left doesn't want you to know that a lot of "homeless" people just refuse to work. https://www.wowktv.com/news/u-s-world/business-owner-offers-homeless-man-job-paying-15-an-hour-when-man-refuses-tables-are-turned/
replied 2066d
I say lets build the tools and people can decide for themselves if its worth it.
replied 2067d
Not sure when, but it's planned.
sent · 555 sats 2086d
Thanks for the PBox. Just sent you some recreational nuclear bombs as a thank-you gift.
replied 2095d
Either you believe in objective truth or not. There is no "believing in it to an extent". That means you don't believe in it.
replied 2096d
1) So what, you want to get rid of oil? Don't use oil then. 2) Species die out. Evolution gives, and evolution takes away. Its life.
replied 2096d
I want to keep POW for sure. But as a way to protect 0-conf, its a genius idea. We still need consensus for rules, and, part of the protocol in ava. depends on POW performed
replied 2096d
Try this on for size:
2097d · Avalanche
I am now optimistic of Avalanche.
2097d · AnCap
replied 2097d
Also of course i support a block function, a mute function, and a simple dislike function. I would be disappointed however if we introduced censorship to memo. Lets not make it reddit
2097d · Memo Suggestions
Imugr can be quite glitchy. I wonder if theres another way we can post images? Maybe something slightly more decentralized too, like IPFS image uploading? Can we do the same with videos?
replied 2097d
^ Android, mobile app
2097d · Memo Suggestions
A bug i see quite often: Notifications can interrupt what you're doing and delete what you're writing. Very annoying if I'm in a convo. One time i had to write something 4x. On android mob
2097d · Memes