Jacob Johnson

Joined Jun 11, 2019

Voluntaryist, noob p5js programmer, supporter of the original bitcoin protocol.

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replied 1777d
And what have you invested so far besides other peoples money? Thoughts and prayers?
replied 1777d
Tbh its kinda funny, but i also think its kinda trashy
replied 1777d
Commies be like
replied 1777d
Why don't you research and implement it?
1777d · Capitalism
replied 1777d
replied 1777d
Very interesting concept. I hope to see platforms that could potentially monetize vigilante justice of all flavors, perhaps this would make centralized law redundant. Its open-ended.
followed 1777d
replied 1777d
I would love this feature. Please prioritize it ❤
replied 2006d
White men are people too
Currently Memo messages use a single transaction which has a limit. Eventually we plan to support multiple transactions for longer messages.
"When you're the first cop in the stack to conduct a red flag confiscation at a Vietnam Vet's house and you hear 'Fortunate Son' blasting from the inside"

replied 1777d
Yeah. Kinda weird to think that an average jo adult is just gonna magically understand what's best for everyone else, and be so justified as to kill them if they disagree
There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.

"Business owners across Australia are dropping support for @Blockstream's failing #BTC and #LN, opting to fully endorse #BCH as the superior money. "
replied 1778d
Cool. Will be happy to participate if you create one.
replied 1778d
Nope, not officially. Wouldn't be a bad idea though :)
replied 1780d
They preach anti-money, but its not feasible or possible to live up to it. Having money implies you have a property right to the money, otherwise theres no reason for money to exist
replied 1780d
sweet! lot of similarities between a forest & a market (competition for limited resources; the best win out)
1780d · Craig Steven Wright
If only someone would invent a way to mathematically and trustlessly prove he mined in the first 70 blocks🤔.
1780d · CryptoQuotes
I understand the political ramifications of [bitcoin] and I think that government should stay out of them and they should be perfectly legal.” – Ron Paul
1780d · AnCap
Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand
1780d · AnCap
wow, you've read a lot!
replied 1780d
Because i think of myself as a social darwinist, of the free market / anarchist variety
replied 1780d
I'm trying to figure out what magic sauce is needed to start a "thread"