Number of tx last 24h:
BCH : 51k
LTC : 22k
BTC : 163k
Every memo action 1tx
Why would anyone use LTC? As a 2nd coin for a backup in case something goes wrong wouldn't it be more logical to use something drastically different, not just a copy paste of BTC code?
The word capitalism is used to both express The Free Market, as well as the current Mixed Market. Such a fundamental opposition of definitions begets endless circular looped arguments.
What does op_return do? Looked it up in mastering bitcoin: 0x6a halt and invalidate transaction. Must be more to it if it is what allows Memo etc.
love that someone can post "what does op_return do" on memo, using op_return. good sign for the future! on boarding people who don't have to know how BCH works to use it!
The free market is just an emergent system that results from the above simple rule, sometimes called the non-aggression principle. Now, for the billionth time, what is exploitation?