Reddit is a different type of media platform than Memo is. The answer to the question might simply be that most people like the forum-style discussions rather than tweet-style ones.
In the future there will likely be hacks of the memo protocol that implement Reddit style forums. Sky's the limit.
Voting + Tipping at the same time broken for me on Solitude bets. When will @Memo fix?
I believe the problem stems from your funds being spread out too much. If your balance is mostly made of many small tips, it can't figure out how to make a TX with so many inputs.
I started a german Blog about BCH, gonna add news, some tutorials and my own experience using BCH to raise the awareness of the true Bitcoin in Germany It looks quite empty, since i´ve just created it...
...BTC has lost 2/3rds of its value since the peak 6 months ago. If it continues this trend it will be worth around $3000 in September. Stock up on popcorn. (2/2)
Yeah but unfortunately BCH is taking the same beating.
What I have been saying all along but they just don't get it. Capitalism does not mean free markets, its just a myth created by capitalist so that people think its good & want it.
but freer markets are correlated with many good things: schooling, environment, health, less corruption, life expectancy, prosperity.
What I have been saying all along but they just don't get it. Capitalism does not mean free markets, its just a myth created by capitalist so that people think its good & want it.
market freedom is something to strive for. the freer the market the better off the individuals are.
No its not. Bailing out banks is not Socialism, that is Capitalism using Socialism to profit from it. Socialism is not government helping capitalist businesses, its helping the PEOPLE.
Once again - Your definition of capitalism seems to be "all the bad stuff that states or businesses do that you don't like" socialism = "all the stuff you like"
LR and Ed have made me check memo significantly less. It's like Ed and LR were hired by the governemnt as a sick joke as if to say "oh you like uncensorable thoughts? Meet these two retards"
Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity (and far too much free time)
ED just gets nuttier and nuttier the longer he stays in this thread. Having such an ideological chip on one's shoulder must be exhausting on a level most of us cannot comprehend.
0-conf isn't particularly appealing to new users from a marketing perspective. We should come up with a new phrase that encapsulates "near instant transactions at minimal cost" to attract new users. Reply with ideas.
Just call 0-conf transactions "transactions" and confirmed transactions "confirmed transactions".
0-conf isn't particularly appealing to new users from a marketing perspective. We should come up with a new phrase that encapsulates "near instant transactions at minimal cost" to attract new users. Reply with ideas.
In banking terms it would be called and "Advance Payment" meaning you are credited before the funds clear.