
Joined Apr 15, 2018

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Sk8eM dUb
replied 2436d
In the future there will likely be hacks of the memo protocol that implement Reddit style forums. Sky's the limit.
replied 2436d
Nice, thanks ! There is so many apps developed for bch that's awesome
2437d · Earn tips
everyone just needs to tip any post they enjoy reading. it will keep growing and going around, I am trying to do it. Are you?
replied 2437d
I believe the problem stems from your funds being spread out too much. If your balance is mostly made of many small tips, it can't figure out how to make a TX with so many inputs.
I started a german Blog about BCH, gonna add news, some tutorials and my own experience using BCH to raise the awareness of the true Bitcoin in Germany
It looks quite empty, since i´ve just created it...
How's the store of value working out for you?
replied 2437d
Yeah but unfortunately BCH is taking the same beating.
2438d · Ed
To put it differently, what's to prevent a co-op from becoming so large that it tries to exert influence on the government (through lobbying)?
2438d · Next upgrade... whats coming
not necessarily upcoming upgrade features, but something that is being worked on, can be found here:
2440d · Bitcoin
It's more like you have to pay for a coffee just to get your transaction go through.
voted in poll 2437d

Do you mind BCH being called Bcash?

Yes, it's insulting.

Yes but not for being insulting but for being misleading and inaccurate. Bcash is purse.oi's Bitcoin Cash implementation.
replied 2437d
but freer markets are correlated with many good things: schooling, environment, health, less corruption, life expectancy, prosperity.
replied 2437d
market freedom is something to strive for. the freer the market the better off the individuals are.
replied 2439d
Yeah it works great until you run out of other people's money. Ask Venezuela.
2438d · memo
Yesterday 121511-120282=1229 memo transactions. Number of transactions📉16.8%
2438d ·
maybe it would be good to post "Spam the BCH network and break the chain Sept 1st" on r/bitcoin, the trolls might rally behind that
replied 2438d
Once again - Your definition of capitalism seems to be "all the bad stuff that states or businesses do that you don't like" socialism = "all the stuff you like"
replied 2438d
Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity (and far too much free time)
2439d · Capitalism
ED just gets nuttier and nuttier the longer he stays in this thread. Having such an ideological chip on one's shoulder must be exhausting on a level most of us cannot comprehend.
replied 2439d
@SatoshiDice, have you seen

Would you like to be involved to push transactions to the limit over 24hour period?
See in topics :)
replied 2439d
Just call 0-conf transactions "transactions"
and confirmed transactions "confirmed transactions".
replied 2439d
In banking terms it would be called and "Advance Payment" meaning you are credited before the funds clear.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2439d
I highly recommend the recent podcast with Calvin Ayer
replied 2439d
True - so people could tip new profiles or a bot could be created to do so as mentioned in other posts
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2439d
Or a "holding pen": list of accounts with zero balance and paired with off chain messages declaring intentions.