Jason Chavannes

Joined Apr 09, 2018


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***TRANSCRIPT: The Corbett Report 2/22/2019 "The Crisis of Science"***

In 2015 a study from the Institute of Diet and Health with some surprising results launched a slew of click bait articles with explosive headlines:

“Chocolate accelerates weight loss” insisted one such headline.

“Scientists say eating chocolate can help you lose weight” declared another.

“Lose 10% More Weight By Eating A Chocolate Bar Every Day…No Joke!” promised yet another.

There was just one problem: This was a joke.

The head researcher of the study, “Johannes Bohannon,” took to io9 in May of that year to reveal that his name was actually John Bohannon, the “Institute of Diet and Health” was in fact nothing more than a website, and the study showing the magical weight loss effects of chocolate consumption was bogus. The hoax was the brainchild of a German television reporter who wanted to “demonstrate just how easy it is to turn bad science into the big headlines behind diet fads.”

Given how wid...
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Musanna Hatta
replied 2041d
Musanna Hatta
replied 2041d
Musanna Hatta
replied 2041d
Thank you so much brother
replied 2041d
Hey thanx I was invited here from Cent, and I have written a few little things on medium before. This looks cool. Any tips for a newbie over here?
replied 2073d