
Joined Apr 16, 2018


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replied 2451d
Yes, for Android, see Keyport.cash
replied 2451d
Do not make the claim it is forever private. Make the claim it is "forever" there.
replied 2451d
Well if we get Quantum computing, then Blockchain will also change. Not gonna happen. Ask: https://twitter.com/ProfFaustus
replied 2451d
Well nothing is forever. ;) and to me it makes sense. You will protect your private key better. Of course old messages can not be deleted. But that is what it is for. Protect history.
So Microsoft is buying Github.com - I guess we need a Blockchain based SourceCode Management-Tool soon ;) that works with Git.
@memo what is your take on https://www.keyport.cash/? The do DM. Have you planned anything?
replied 2456d
Great stuff! Are you planning an API so memo.cash's capabilities could be used by other Apps? Like posting to the Blockchain?
replied 2462d
Good! Private polling makes no sense if you use the blockchain. ;)
voted in poll 2463d

Do you like polls?


Great new Feature. Let hope this will kickstart online voting if KYC is done right and trolls can not vote twice only if they pay more.
replied 2464d
Exactly. That is why traceability is happening and that is why Bitcoin was invented. To trace money and see where and what for it is being spent. KYC on the Blockchain. Less straw men.
New notifications à la Twitter are great! I was missing that. Good stuff.
replied 2465d
Sure, then use memo.cash.
replied 2465d
Ahh, I forgot. And so must also be cursing at other people ;).
replied 2465d
You are not being bold if you speak out anonymously and insult others without anybody knowing how is behind the voice.
replied 2468d
Just do not post stuff that you do not want to be traced. Keep it to yourself instead.
replied 2468d
suggestion: Use a smaller font for the replies and indent the replies somewhat more.
@jason Feature proposal: use a smaller font for the replies and indent the replies somewhat more.
replied 2468d
New Design is good! Good stuff.
replied 2470d
@memo so what is your proposal to make 0-conf secure?
Bitcoin Cash Zürich Meetup up taking place on Wednesday 11.7.2018 from 12-2pm. See: https://www.meetup.com/bch-zurich/ Will also be talking about memo.cash ;)
replied 2472d
This transaction was not found on the Block-Explorer. Why?
replied 2472d
Sk8eM dUb
Another new message on the block. ;)
replied 2472d
Very good idea! Let's see if and how @memo will pick up on this.
New Memo has 217 chars! Thank you @memo. Good work!
replied 2472d
I hope so too!