Hurricanes reflect galaxies; DNA reflects the Laws of Nature. We're vegetables to the Laws that run this screen saver, and seeds resurrect: swim upstream, ye seeds! He broke the egg. True life is available. Win!
May 20..Romer v. Evans: The Supreme Court... rules against a law that prevents any city, town or county in...Colorado from taking...action to protect...rights of homosexuals (Wikipedia)
It's like there's a war going on here between two versions of stupid... I feel torn. I know what I believe. What am I to make of all of this stuff, though? (I speak in plain English).
Any idea why they would be trying to kill me? Irony? Just like killing people... it has no purpose? Quite possible, I suppose. It's been many years. I was 19 in college; I'm 29 now
If you have a serious defense for Abrahamic thought, executing queers is easy. Actually, just believing in evolution and choosing to do what accords with being fittest as a society.
Could this be a veterans from the military response to the situation? I don't know. I think Lecrae is a veteran. Anyway, all about executing queers, but... what the Hell
In 1996, Clinton won (after essentially legalizing same sex behavior in military). Is this a response to that? Is Russia for example tapping into underlying discontent?
(I actually really like this song - I'm speaking in plain English. Uh, but I guess that you don't consider the possibility that they may be out to get you outside of due process...)
In Lecrae's recent Anomaly album (he's a Christian black rapper), he both says, "Say I won't... kill 'em" and talks about "P Street" and finding self "in the obituary column sheet."
Two "homeless" (or actually homeless) middle aged men told me that "the game warden puts the dead deer over there" in a wooded area in between I-65 and Love's Gas Station.