Jonathan Cooper

Joined Jan 24, 2019

Hurricanes reflect galaxies; DNA reflects the Laws of Nature. We're vegetables to the Laws that run this screen saver, and seeds resurrect: swim upstream, ye seeds! He broke the egg. True life is available. Win!

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Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
Anyone have any idea what motivates these people? What are they trying to accomplish? Who are they trying to kill? Anyone? Hello?
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
May 20..Romer v. Evans: The Supreme Court... rules against a law that prevents any city, town or county in...Colorado from taking...action to protect...rights of homosexuals (Wikipedia)
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
Are they trying to kill off the next Clinton? I don't know. That's just a guess.
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
And why am I targeted?
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
It's like there's a war going on here between two versions of stupid... I feel torn. I know what I believe. What am I to make of all of this stuff, though? (I speak in plain English).
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
Any idea why they would be trying to kill me? Irony? Just like killing people... it has no purpose? Quite possible, I suppose. It's been many years. I was 19 in college; I'm 29 now
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
Choosing survival demonstrates that you're of the code, not of the interface, since the code transcends. It 'survives.' It never ceases... uh...
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
The resurrection provides more motivation to choose what accords well with survival.
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
If you have a serious defense for Abrahamic thought, executing queers is easy. Actually, just believing in evolution and choosing to do what accords with being fittest as a society.
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
Could this be a veterans from the military response to the situation? I don't know. I think Lecrae is a veteran. Anyway, all about executing queers, but... what the Hell
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
In 1996, Clinton won (after essentially legalizing same sex behavior in military). Is this a response to that? Is Russia for example tapping into underlying discontent?
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
It looks like a white guy is getting thrown or something... as if thrown into body of water?
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
Oh my God! It has a smiley face! See the video? What the Hell... See 1:33.
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
(I actually really like this song - I'm speaking in plain English. Uh, but I guess that you don't consider the possibility that they may be out to get you outside of due process...)
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
The killings supposedly start in 1997, and the song flashes "1996" for whatever reason?
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
getting put into "the obituary column sheet." Very popular Christian rapper, by the way. He's won lots of awards, etc.
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
What the band member about Luke's story reminds me of that about "P Street" in Lecrae's song runners - where he constantly and perpetually warns about
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
Again, I'm all about executing bad people. Why aren't they man enough to explain whom and why?
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
In Lecrae's recent Anomaly album (he's a Christian black rapper), he both says, "Say I won't... kill 'em" and talks about "P Street" and finding self "in the obituary column sheet."
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
Two "homeless" (or actually homeless) middle aged men told me that "the game warden puts the dead deer over there" in a wooded area in between I-65 and Love's Gas Station.
Jonathan Cooper
2189d · Smiley Face Killers
(Jamaica, relatively speaking, is not the least bit in the need of missionaries. Homosexual behavior, for example, is outlawed there.)