Hurricanes reflect galaxies; DNA reflects the Laws of Nature. We're vegetables to the Laws that run this screen saver, and seeds resurrect: swim upstream, ye seeds! He broke the egg. True life is available. Win!
Hurricanes reflect galaxies; DNA // Laws of Nature.We're vegetables to Laws that run screen saver, & seeds resurrect: swim upstream, ye seeds! He broke the egg.True life is available.Win!
Hurricanes reflect galaxies; DNA reflects the Laws of Nature. We're vegetables to the Laws that run this screen saver, and seeds resurrect: swim upstream, ye seeds! He broke the egg. True life is available. Win!
Hurricanes reflect galaxies; DNA reflects the Laws of Nature. We're vegetables to the Laws that run this screen saver mode, and seeds resurrect: swim upstream, ye seeds! He broke the egg. True life is available. Win!
(I was homeschooled. Some Amish books growing up. I'm pleased with the Amish. Very traditional, religious family. PA heritage, which I'm proud of.) Know anything about these killers?
(I was on the Dean's List the whole time at Bible college, but I dropped out after three years. Preached some during that time. I'm 29. My name is Jonathan Cooper.)
(I was down on my luck. No money. How I was down on my luck was suspicious, but I won't bore you guys with all of that. I have a 401(k) now, some REITs, and, of course, BSV, etc.)
I never drink, have never been on unemployment, and have no criminal background. I have also never done drugs or had sex. I have been waiting for marriage, which was how I was raised.
You Smiley Face Killers targeted me, even though I teach that new life comes via baptism by immersion - a.k.a. evolution. You are lazy, rebellious bastards - drunk on your own insanity.
Even tho the relationship of Galaxy & Hurricane is obvious to them from the visible world, they suppress the truth. They exchange the glory that the heavens declare for a lie. Romans 1.
Now, a message to that group: "His days are the same as our days, and His ways are the same as our ways. For, just as Eve is the same as Eve, so also are His days the same as our days."
It's not like they ever stop trying to kill you, though, and it's, quite frankly, not a good thing. (I speak plainly in all of this. No "real" = "imaginary time" lingo. Plain English.
Any info on these people? I support Old Testament Law (e.g. killing lazy, drunkard rebel sons). I get that a parent or relative might have turned me over to the group a while back.
I've heard Kyle Idleman at Southeast Christian Church share that story a few times. Accidental drownings. That's how you get away with killing the fish.
I'm not a fish (intended for someone's daughter) swimming in the wrong pond (swimming pool). So, don't try to return me to the store: "What happened?" "He drowned." ::Shrugs::
I don't know what sparked this, although I have good reason to believe that I've been targetted for a long time, but that they never showed themselves obviously until now.
These smileys have teeth+horns. One over a creek's bridge near Donna Sharp's. One under the bridge of 65. And another staring at the Amish business (I'm a descendant of the PA Dutch).
I work a lot of overtime, and I was living under the bridge to save money. Smiley Faces appeared, including one right directly across from me - so that I could roll over.