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saved 1178d
Given that your suggestion of Craig has largely been a liability for the public perception of bsv, I'm not sure how seriously this feedback can be taken.

I respect Craig, but I think even he would yield that @292 is a much better pitch man.
saved 1178d
/trolltoll @908 $1
saved 1178d
I think it's being forgotten that this is a panel that is being hosted. Not @292 vs the world. And he absolutely had earned a spot on big blocker panel representing BSV. Especially if we are trying to raise the profile with crypto normies.
saved 1178d
April 20, at 4:20 am
saved 1178d
I like the sound of that. I think we can make that a thing over corecoin
saved 1178d
I'm blaming @35115 and @4 😆
saved 1178d
Awe... @twetchdat is down at the moment. Last post was 21 hours ago
saved 1178d
I think it's extremely important for him to investigate all angles, as he's doing. Telling someone not to look into something because you've already done it and they should trust you just makes our side seem sketchy.
saved 1178d
@42848, I agree here. Roger Ver is very well known as "Bitcoin Jesus". And @292 is generally regarded positively even by the biggest big-block detractors.

But if also add @2956. He's successful entrepreneur who created Praxis as an alt model to college.
saved 1178d
The economics of on-chain video don't make much sense just yet.

Streamanity is the best option here.
saved 1178d
At this point, I'm not sure if that's a joke or not 😂😅🤔
saved 1179d
I would pay good Bitcoin to see that 😆
saved 1179d
Ok, this @35115 #Bitcoin price prediction thing started off funny...

Then interesting...

Then fascinating...

Now...we've just crossed over into straight up creepy as hell.
saved 1180d
Thanks for the shout-out @25090 . I'm actually finishing up the core market functionality and am aiming to have an alpha on testnet in the next week or two.

@41860 , audio is one of the things I intend to support. I'll ping you directly to explain more.
saved 1180d
Damn. The #BSV shorts must be REAL painful at the moment😱

#Bitcoin #BitcoinSV
saved 1180d
saved 1180d
saved 1181d
Uggh...Not even sure how many hours I burned on an issue that turned out to be me just forgetting "extends Jig" on the below.

Given I have narrow windows of time to work on my @21795 project, that translates into several days across two weeks burned🤦‍♂️
saved 1182d
Wait I'm confused.... The first or the second one?
saved 1182d
They hate capitalism because no one entity can take credit for success.
They love socialism because no one entity can take the blame for the failures.

"If I can't directly measure and control a facet of the system, it doesn't exist!"🙄
saved 1182d
Safari is the new IE (well..."new"is relative, as they've been this way for a while).

A lead position can only be abused for so long before normies begin to catch on.
saved 1182d
Can't agree enough. I LOVE PWAs. & Trusted Web Activities let you leverage your PWA even more, essentially letting you drop it into the Google play Store with virtually no work, reducing the risk of losing it on the time invested for the store presence.
saved 1182d
...version of my app ShopLystr since it picks up the web updates because it IS the web version, complete w/ pw and session access. So it can be installed from the browser or the app store.

As usual, Apple is behind, but PWA traction will force their hand
saved 1182d
X-posting my Twitter response: One other time-saver are Trusted Web Activities (TWAs) that let you essentially drop your PWA into the Play Store. Distinct from hybrid apps, these are using your actual browser vs web view. I haven't had to touch the store..
saved 1183d
Been watching it for years. Waited to see signs that it could become a real platform for delivering value as opposed to another abstract financial tool.

When I discovered BSV via @852, I was taken aback by all the entrepreneurial energy being focused here