-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist:
距离上次发布列表已经又一个多月,我重新整理了一下我的列表,有些已经被删除,新加的放在最后. It's more than a month since I published the list last time. I rearranged my list. Some of them have been deleted and the new ones are put at the end
我支持一夫一妻制, 讨厌在一夫一妻制度内出轨或者插足别人夫妻生活的小三, 希望他们能得到相应的惩罚。 I support monogamy, and I hate the minors who cheat or intervene in the lives of other people's couples in the monogamous system. I hope they can be punished accordingly.
1-1:刘銮雄, 出轨抛弃发妻, 纯粹一花心男。 2% 1-1:Liu Luanxiong, derailed and abandoned his wife. 1-1:More Info: 1-1:https://new.qq.com/omn/20210320/20210320A04VCX00.html 1-1:https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1694714197550003153&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-2:李嘉欣, 破坏别人的家庭做小三。 3% 1-2:Li Jiaxin, destroy other people's family as a junior. 1-2:More Info: 1-2:https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1662413396608044942&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-3:关之琳, 破坏家庭做小三。 2% 1-3:Rosamund Kwan, destroy the family as a junior. 1-3:More Info: 1-...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist:
After your post about Sybil attack, there are many users from russia who write the same WRONG wishlists. It is obvious. Stop texting yourself. I really hate you. YOU turned a good idea into an endless stream of spam. Stop that. YOU should write in the topic of your country. 1 time in 30 days. Be honest. Everything that you write about Navalny is here. There should be all honest posts about Russia: https://memo.sv/topic/hmwyda+-+wishlists+-+Russia Read the rules. Respect the rules. Be honest. Now you are a cheater. Change yourself. I really hate you a lot. You spoil the mood, write nonsense and disturb honest people with your stupid flood. 1.1 13jjWmAc1HBg88gU from here - https://memo.sv/topic/hmwyda+-+wishlists+-+rules+and+questions 1.2 1DDTKJyizp5svthE 1.3 16gkikTUvhREoV1G 1.4 kavva 1.5 16YWcYpsGrC2tz2nCeJWrnBGuuHs9i9xt9
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- У нас много уродов. In Russia a lot of freaks. #hmwyda wishlist
1-1 Андрей Ткаченко. Монах, бывший директор православной гимназии в Якутске. Ему было предъявлено обвинение в 87 сексуальных преступлениях. 100USD 1-1 Andrey Tkachenco. A monk, a former director of an Orthodox gymnasium in Yakutsk. He was charged with 87 sexual crimes. 1-1 https://lenta.ru/articles/2018/12/04/yakutsk/
#hmwyda hate wishlist: Bolsonaro - 5% Bitbond - 10% Power company - 5% SUVs - 2% Samsung Smartphones - 2% Vegetables - 1% ASIC miners - 5% Import taxes - 10% Tupperware - 1% The person who scammed me out of 75 BTC back in 2013 - 22% Children's birthday parties - 2% College reunions - 2% Hot weather (>25 celsius) - 1% Planned obsolescence - 5% Pay to win games - 1% Chess - 1% Pigeons - 1% Ants - 2% Mosquitoes - 2% Big mac - 1% Cleaning jobs - 5% Java (the programming language) - 5% Multiple standards for the same thing that don't talk to each other - 5% Most chinese rechargeable batteries - 1% Marketing - 1% Clothespins that break on use - 1% Bricklayers - 1%