
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Bitcoin maximalist since 2011. Bitcoin SV - back to roots!!

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You can now upload files to BSV blockchain using a file on the BSV blockchain!!!

2069d · memo
@memo could you add support for this long image links as profile pictures? https://static.bitcoinfiles.org/c23c3e2e1474d4c01741911e3317e6c00c861ed15f41da82e8a5561542342f7e
replied 2069d
It is planned to support profile images that are stored on-chain.
replied 2070d
There are plans to allow editing posts using another transaction.
Monday Memo!

Make sure to maintain a healthy work-life balance and adapt it to your needs every now and then. Work is fine if you enjoy doing it, but as in all good things in life, you should practice moderation.
replied 2070d
That's the idea. It's far from perfect though.
replied 2070d
That's great. Thanks!
replied 2070d
Sound money was most often commodity and had uses before it became money.
replied 2070d
BCH is a sandpit for retard devs to experiment. Just like BTC was for long time until they became super conservative just so agenda with 1MB could be sold.
replied 2070d
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
replied 2070d
So if you have BSV and BCH with completely different UTXO ser you can still use common memo.cash?
2070d · Socialism
Why are socialst jokes not funny? Because everyone needs to get them.
With the new large memo option we should create a transaction train yard instead of highway!
High guys. Here's a nice python3 bitcoin cash library ported to bitcoin sv https://github.com/AustEcon/bitsv also added some ease-of-use op_return functionality. Enjoy :) Available from pypi as "bitsv"
replied 2195d
As Bitcoin is NOT socialist - it is about competition.
replied 2071d
2071d · memo
personally I'd like to be able to post reddit sized posts. though this can be done by linking txs. so idk the benefit of a larger OP_RET
replied 2071d
what do u think of 200 char OP RETURN limit on BCH? BSV 65,000 limit. BSV block max 103 MB mined. Wu bankrupt. Do u concede u made mistake supporting Amaury instead of Satoshi Vision?