
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Bitcoin maximalist since 2011. Bitcoin SV - back to roots!!

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replied 2066d
BSV want to get as close to the protocol as initially described and released by Satoshi. Removing unnecessary changes and limits added later by core. ABC wants further constant changes
ROI of the largest LN hubs is 0.011%/year
The 20 LNBIG Lightning Network nodes have processed 80k payments and collected 5.74 USD in fees in the last month. Extrapolating, thats $68.88 per year
replied 2066d
That ROI is worth it in such a low risk and low volatility environment 🤣

replied 2066d
Once you open the possibility you open it for everything. And it's mentioned BTW in the BIP. Full LN if someone will want it. I think it's cool. Miners will love it.
replied 2067d
I feel like barking to the wall. Let's stop right here rather.
replied 2067d
Moving goalposts? Can you go back to my original question and explain to me how IPFS valuates its data and makes marketplace out of it?
replied 2067d
replied 2067d
To my understanding wormhole doesn't remove txs offchain.
replied 2067d
Thanks for reporting. This usually happens because the transactions are stuck in the mempool, and unconfirmed transactions are displayed first in /all. I will look into fixing it.
replied 2067d
Not every country is invading others.
replied 2067d
As long as he is able to fund Amaury he is still relevant.
2067d · Bitcoin SV
I wonder what happened to Jihan..
replied 2067d
Nope. They went with SV for its roadmap and vision. BCH has none.
replied 2068d
Testing Memo, what are the main functions here?
replied 2067d
By using bitcoin (or similar) and trusted services. Whoooosh.
replied 2068d
LOL! BCH building grounds for L2 and LN. After quacking a year and a half how miners need to get paid.

ABC now looks like Core 1.1alpha with small blocks instead of tiny ones.
replied 2068d
Did you?

#Bitcoin gives another previously nonexisting dimension to solutions of many problems. The one can't afford anymore his mind to only look at technical solutions and not consider economic ones.
I wonder how bitcoin sv will do in a year?
Will we have huge blocks by then? Will there be usage? Like over 100mb sustainable blocks? With tokenization and onchain data storage use case. Nothing is impossible.
replied 2068d
replied 2068d
Thanks for the heads up blockstream.