
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Bitcoin maximalist since 2011. Bitcoin SV - back to roots!!

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replied 1984d
That's great. Thanks!
replied 1984d
Sound money was most often commodity and had uses before it became money.
replied 1984d
BCH is a sandpit for retard devs to experiment. Just like BTC was for long time until they became super conservative just so agenda with 1MB could be sold.
replied 1984d
replied 1984d
So if you have BSV and BCH with completely different UTXO ser you can still use common memo.cash?
1984d · Socialism
Why are socialst jokes not funny? Because everyone needs to get them.
replied 1987d
And web page either. It says Not enough funds, but there is!!
Looks like I can't tip anymore from android app
replied 1987d
A threat from a single man forced you to convert into shitcoin. 😂🤣 Nuff said
replied 1987d
Ed brought a friend?
replied 1987d
Try TCP/IP rather. It would be stupid if memo would say that. Than you can compare it to windows 95.
sent · 1,000 sats 1988d
Memo, in android app you lose unfinished post because of a notification which would automatically switch to notifications screen. Very annoying as you can't finish a post.
sent · 1,000 sats 1988d
replied 1988d
True. We will find those satoshis one way or another ;)
replied 1988d
Well to read, you don't need any. :)
replied 1988d
I had the same thoughts. But it's ok, we move on. It doesn't matter what we talk, it matters what we build.
replied 1988d
I will spend what I still have left. Not much. But somehow due to tips it's not decreasing fast enough:). I do try to turbo shitpost though 😜
replied 1988d
You're also spending BSV otherwise I would not see your posts.
replied 1988d
They can't add anything anymore due to their agenda in the past. That's why they do the bailout spin off in the form of GRIN.
replied 1988d
It was forked just like ABC was. Unless you're saying it should be rather written from scratch in two months. DSV and now schnorr and maybe mimblewimble one day, that's BCH though 😆
replied 1988d
Nothing to be distinguished by. Just one out of many. Pretty sad.
replied 1988d
What's next. Mimblewimble? 😆🤣😂