
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Bitcoin maximalist since 2011. Bitcoin SV - back to roots!!

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replied 1991d
Schnorr lol... can BCH come up with something original rather? Core zelouty is strong.
replied 1991d
Whatever BCH service is not founded by Jihan/Ver and essentially unoriginaly forked from BTC or ETH is just a multicoin bandwagoning on existing services.
replied 1991d
Optimizations in a socialist uncompetitive manner. While copy pasting cores stuff.
replied 1991d
BCH roadmap -> small blocks... 128MB is to much, core copy pasta schnorr, DSV, cashaddr... and ETH zelouty... wormhole
Memo, in android app you lose unfinished post because of a notification which would automatically switch to notifications screen. Very annoying as you can't finish a post.
replied 1991d
Get your tinfoil of your head and a brain implant
replied 1991d
Matter, oyo, bitdb, bitquery, bitsocket, cryptografiti, bitstocks, cashpay, cryptonize, hivr, fivebucks, keyport, datapay, pixel wallet, nextcash, electrum SV...
replied 1991d
Twater you brain is dead. I wonder how you still feed yourself and be able to shitpost. You must be a natural phenomenon.
replied 1991d
I am saying that most services who were built for bitcoin cash only are now BSV.
replied 1992d
Commodity ledger. :)
replied 1992d
If I run one bitprim node is that a value? Do I vote?
replied 1992d
Hi Chris. Stop shilling your shitty product. But hey, at least it will have lightning network support.
replied 1992d
All this nice multicoin services just adding another shitcoin to their list. Much achieved!
replied 1992d
Ahahaa... that is the joke of the century. Aumarys Bitmain Coin
replied 1992d
Like bitprim which shoot up 500 cloud nodes and went back to ONE again? Nobody uses other implementations and ABC controls BCH since beginning ignoring everyone.
replied 1992d
Nice!!! A little thing but so much value! #unfuckening
So butthurt spicebois are mobbing Jeepney because they choose BSV and demanding their micro donations back. What a bunch of pathetic losers. You can be voluntaryst as long as you choose what we want.
It would be nice to come to memo and for once 80% of posts would not be kukis communist crap.
replied 1994d
Genocidal degenerates
replied 1994d
replied 1994d
Hi Chris. You lost your tinfoil?
Tartar schnitzel
replied 1994d
Uuuh... ain't you a tough cookie
Hello World from memo app
replied 1995d
Not even close.