
Joined Apr 15, 2018


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So.. Curious how everyone is feeling about seeing the mempool not clear out.

I for one am unpleasantly surprised that miners were not on board with today's test.
Just watched a 2MB block when there were >8MB in the mempool. Damnit CoinGeek, raise that soft cap!
replied 2085d
I'm so fuggin excited. Hope miners are ready.
Block times on BCH block chain have been a little ridiculous the past 2 hours. 2 Blocks in 2 hours... bummer
replied 2085d
That's OVER 9000!!!!
replied 2085d
Thanks for the help!
replied 2085d
I imported the wallet into Electron Cash like you suggested. Worked great - I can see all the sats I put on scale.cash but don't think they've been used.
replied 2085d
No I'm saying that refreshing the page doesn't change the wallet info. After the refresh, the wallet in my browser is still the same.
replied 2085d
Good call amigo. Will do.
replied 2085d
So I copied down the info, refreshed the page and the info is all still the same. Pretty sure I'm looking at the same wallet I used the first time. Still showing 0 txs though.
Is there a way to withdraw BCH from Memo?

Other than simply exporting the key (which is kind of a shitty solution anyway).
replied 2085d
The block went through at 8MB not 1.
replied 2085d
Thanks for the help hoarder. I love u.
replied 2085d
Looking forward to the DANCE!
replied 2085d
Dude. Are you serious?! So $10 worth of donations to scale.cash then? Is that what you're tellin me?

Why in God's name would they not put that warning on the page?!
Used scale.cash twice now. I refreshed the page to see how many txs I've personally sent and it says 0 txs. WTF?

According to the page, I should be well over 6000 txs. Anyone know what's goin on?
replied 2085d
I hope so, or something that uses the memo protocol at least. Its fantastic.
replied 2085d
I think you have a couple options... but both suck.

1 - sweep your memo wallet into a new wallet and send from there
2 - on scale.cash, import your memo wallet using its WIF
replied 2085d
They should have already changed that shit though. They new this day was coming.
replied 2085d
If I was a programmer for a mining company, I think I'd be having a drink or something on Friday night rather than answer my phone.

Could be a little bit until we see somethin
replied 2085d
Then CoinGeek's a janky azz ho.
replied 2085d
That's not enough to get us to dance Rita. Not even close ;)
DAMN!! Only 8MB? Child's play.

How are we supposed to test if miners aren't set up for higher than 8MB?
replied 2085d
Are these just the fees taken by the exchange, not the network?

replied 2085d
Think it has to be worth $1 at least for the sweet ass light show.